Mother-Daughter reunion

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The next few weeks seemed to last forever.Hermione really wanted to meet Bellatrix and finally have both her parents together.Wait where her parents even together? For all she knew Bella could have just been the one chosen to carry the dark lord heir, no strings attached.Eh.Who cares? as long as they both love her as much as she loves them. So here she was about to embark the Hogwarts Express.

"Hey Hermione!"The witch heard a shout from behind her and inwardly groaned. She had been making a effort to act normal around the boys and luckily it seemed to have paid of as Ron had apparently giving up on finding out what she is hiding.

"What Ron?" She replied

"Do you wanna come back to the burrow?" Ron asked,stepping on the train

Hermione sighed as she walked through the corridor, looking for an empty compartment.

"I can't Ron" She said, sitting down

" Why not Hermione?" Harry asked, startling her, she hadn't even noticed him standing there.

"I just can't" Hermione snapped and opened her book, signalling the end of the conversation

After a long, awkward, train journey , most of which was spent in silence due to Ron and Harry trying not to upset Hermione anymore, it finally came to a end at King Cross station.As soon as the train stopped Hermione's book snapped shut and she grabbed her trunk, and all but ran off the train, barley containing her excitement. This was the moment she had been waiting for months.However she was seriously disappointed as she noticed that her father and mother where not at the station.

"Bloody hell what are you so excited for?" Ron asked as he and Harry caught up with her.

"Shut up" was all she said before spotting her aunt standing behind a pillar and trying to get her attention and walking over to her, trying not to draw attention to herself.

"Hey aunt Cissy" She said, giving the older woman a quick hug as Lucius and Draco made their way over to them. She said the same to Draco, also giving him a hug before turning to Lucius. "Hello, Uncle Lu-Lu" She said grinning evilly as she heard two vigorous laughs behind her. Lucius scowled at her before breaking out in a grin also.

"You are going to call me that forever now aren't you?" Lucius raised an eyebrow, still grinning. "Right well, we best be off, Don't want to keep the dark lord and his queen waiting" Hermione's face morphed into a big smile as she grabbed on to Narcissa's arm.Her aunt shook her head in Amusement before apparating them to the Malfoy Manor, Lucius and Draco just behind them. Hermione took a deep breath before walking in.

Hermione walked into the foyer of the manor and had a proper look around, quickly noticing that most of the decor was Slytherin green with black, Grey and Gold trimming. She thought it suited the Malfoys very nicely. The young Witch was brought out of her thoughts when Narcissa tapped her shoulder and whispered in her ear

"Your Parents are in the sitting room"She said " I want to surprise Bella, she's quite angry at me for letting you go with DumbleDick"

Hermione burst into laugher

"DumbleDick?" She cried.Narcissa smiled at her, trying to contain her own laughter

"Hush now, I want this to be a surprise" She scolded.Hermione just nodded, fearing she will start laughing again if she opened her mouth.

Narcissa joined the family in the sitting room, leaving Hermione alone in the corridor.

"Narcissa, Where did you get of to?" Hermione heard an unfamiliar woman ask. That must be mum Hermione thought with a grin.

"To see to the house elves"Narcissa lied, smoothly.

"Oh" Bella said, disappointed

"Where did you think i went?" Narcissa asked, already knowing

"To um Nevermind" Bella muttered

"To go and get Hermione?"Narcissa supplied, causing Bella to glare at her 

"Enough Narcissa" Tom interuppted, he also did not know that Hermione was in the manor "Bella's hurting"

Hermione had enough. She wanted to meet her mum.Now.

"Well she shouldn't be"Hermione said, walking into the room.Tom and Bella both turned to look at her wide eyed.Her father raised his hand and the glamour was removed, He then stood and greeted his daughter by giving her a hug.Bellatrix was still sitting, shocked, after Her sister and brother in law explained that Dumbledore kidnapped Hermione,she was sure she was dead.After breaking off the hug, Hermione turned to her Mother and smiled

"Hey mum" She breathed

Bellatrix's eyes went even wider as she stood slowly.

"Hermione?" She whispered, tears threatening to fall.Hermione nodded, her own tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"Its me mum" She replied, her voice barley above a whisper.Bellatrix let out a sob as she brought her daughter into a tight hug.They stood there for about a minute before Bella looked up and beckoned her husband over, who wrapped his arms around his girls.

"Ohh i can't take this cuteness anymore" Narcissa cried turning to her husband, who just shook his head at his wife's antics and looked at his son for some help with her

"Sorry Father,can't help you" Draco shrugged before turning back to the book he was reading.

The hug was broken off and the Riddle family sat down. As Hermione sat down she looked around at her little family, her eyes finally resting on her mother, who looked a lot cheerful than she did just 10 minutes ago. Only One thought crossed her mind

Yes.This is where I belong.

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