Back to The Burrow

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A few days later Hermione had mastered Occulmency and was ready to leave and return to the Weasley Burrow, Lucius was going to be the one to transport her back by saying that he found her coming through the barrier at hogsmeade. The witch was now stood in the foyer saying her goodbyes to her family and trying to get out before Bella breaks down in tears again, she also noted that Narcissa was also close to tears, it felt good to know that she belonged in this family and was actually wanted.With the Grangers she always felt like she did not belong and was not actually wanted, for once she was glad she obliviated their memories of her. With a deep breath she turned towards her parents and wrapped them in hug

"I'll miss you" She whispered as Tom brought up a hand to run through her hair to put the glamour back on.Bella smiled

"You have the necklace dear" She smiled " When Hogwarts starts back up again in 2 days time you can contact us easier" Hermione nodded before moving towards Narcissa and wrapping her in hug.

"Keep the necklace on you at all times" Narcissa said "Don't let anyone see it, Especially Sirius or Andromeda if shes there" Hermione swallowed thickly before nodding, well so much for no pressure, she then turned to Draco and stared at him for a second, these two had barley gotten along in the few days Hermione had stayed with them. However she pushed their differences away and wrapped him in a quick but awkward hug.

"See you in a few days Hermione" He said with a small smile, surprising her. Hermione nodded again and said the same thing back to him, before turning back to everyone

"I love you all" She said before turning to her Uncle Lucius and grabbed his arm, signalling that it was time to go. She glanced back at her family and waved before all she could see was smoke.She missed Bella smacking the back of Toms head and storming off, while Tom , Narcissa and Draco laughed.

A few seconds later Lucius and Hermione arrived in the forest surrounding the Burrow.She turned to Lucius with a smile, but that faded when she noticed he was frowning.

"You do realise i'm going to act like i hate you" Lucius sighed

"Of course i'm not dumb Lu-Lu" She smirked when he glared at her " Come on we better get a move on"

They walked in comfortable silence until they reached the entrance of the burrow where they schooled the features, Hermione put on a bemused face while Malfoy put on his usual poker face and Lucius knocked on the door harshly. A few moments later Molly answered the door. She sneered when she realised who it was, the Malfoys and the Weasleys never got along.

"You!" She exclaimed "What the Hell are you doing here?"

Lucius was unfazed

"Just retuning something" He said as he gestured to Hermione "Found her crossing the Barrier at Hogsmeade," He sneered at the woman before turning to Hermione, ignoring Molly's gasp "You are luckily i found you Mudblood and not some death eater" Oh right, Lucius worked for the ministry, he was undercover, She completely forgot about that fact

"Thank you Lucius, Thats quite enough" Molly snapped before ushering Hermione inside the 'house'. " You must be starving dear, i'll make you something to eat, just give me that trunk, the others are in the sitting room" She fretted over Hermione, who inwardly groaned, Why must that woman act like her mother, hasn't she got enough children, but Hermione did what she was told and walked into the sitting room, where she found all the main people in the order sitting there, including Sirius, Tonks, Snape and Dumbledore,She smirked to herself this was going to be easier than she thought. As she entered, everyones head shot up and she was suddenly wrapped in a giant hug by everyone, she quickly put her mental shields up around her real memories concerning Her family and instead brought up fake ones of staying with fake friends just in case, Dumbledore was too close for her liking.

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