A talk with Draco and This could change everything

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May contain strong language

Hermione stepped inside the doorway and looked around, there was nothing out of the ordinary it was almost like the Gryffindor tower, only green and silver.She shrugged and carried on walking further, jumping when the portrait slammed shut, only to stop when she came to a passageway that had three different directions you could go. She looked around desperately before spotting a sign on the wall which directed her to the common room, she sighed.She might as well go there first to find her cousin.

She walked into the common room and smirked as she looked around,despite being in the dungeons the Slytherin common room was more comfy and cosy than the Gryffindor one, in her opinion, and the sound of the ocean below relaxed her almost immediately.She looked around before finally spotting a bright blond head of hair buried in a book and she also noticed no one else sitting in the common room, she almost sighed in relief, at least she could talk to Draco without any interruptions.

"Draco" She said softly while putting her best impression of Narcissa on, full intent to scare him.Sure enough his head snapped up and he fell off of the couch he was lying on. Hermione burst out laughing "You should have seen your face ahaha"

"Oh shut up" Draco said as he stood up.

"So whats this I hear of a certain party tomorrow?" Hermione raised an eyebrow at him when she sat down opposite him, on the other couch. Draco groaned.

"How did you find out?" He asked

"Professor Snape" She replied "Now what is it?" Uncle Lu's Birthday"

"Don't remind me"He grumbled "My mum is coming to pick me ,Crabb and Goyle up after classes end tomorrow"

"Hey! What about me?"Hermione exclaimed."Why aren't i invited?" She pouted

"Because you and Aunt Bella torture My father on a daily basis" He raised an eyebrow and smirked " I don't know ask your mum" He shrugged before returning to his book,expecting Hermione to leave and go send a letter to her mother. However she just brought out the necklace from her pocket and tapped it with her wand.Draco frowned at her before also moving to look into the necklace.After a few moments Bellatrix's yawning face appeared.

"Wow ,cool" Draco remarked

"Oh do be quite Draco" Hermione rolled her eyes, but smiled "Hey mum"

"Hermione do have any idea what time its is"Bella grumbled "Its like three in the morning"

"I know,I'm sorry" Hermione apologised "But whats this about Uncle Lu's Birthday tomorrow" The young witch snorted when Bella immediately brightened up and started to grin maniacally.

"I know!" She squealed "I'm going to have so much fun winding him up tomorrow"

"Bella shut up" Came a voice, Hermione giggled as she saw her father put his pillow of his head.

"Why don't I get to go?" Hermione asked when he mother calmed down.

"Who told you you can't go?" Bellas eyes widened comically and her lips formed into pout  "I want you there to torture Lucius with me, How about this Narcissa will pick Draco up and your father will pick you up after classes"

"Who said I would be doing that?" Tom said, removing the pillow from his face, and sitting up. Bella rolled her eyes

"I did now Be quite Tom, i'm trying to talk to our daughter" She said,Hermione and Draco shared a look, they both were quite amused by the  adults childish antics.

"Be quite Tom, i'm trying to talk to our daughter" Tom mocked as he rolled over and disappeared. Bella rolled her eyes again.

"Well then its settled, Your childish father will be picking you up and Narcissa will be picking Draco and his fat friends up" She said after moment, sticking her tongue out at Tom

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