Family Moments Part 2

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"That was so much fun" Hermione squealed as she and her mother entered her fathers study. Not noticing that he had company and was glaring at them.

"I agree, I can't wait until you are old enough to go on better raids" Bella smirked as she went to sit down, only to notice that Rodolphus LeStrange and Regulas Black sitting in front of the desk.

"About time that you two got here" Tom remarked "How long does it take to set fire to a house"

"We also participated in a wild goose chase" Bella replied, sitting down in the couch in the corner of the room and gesturing to Hermione to do the same. "Whats this about anyway?" She asked looking at the two men in front of her husband.

"Well Regulas had wanted to tell us something and i decided to torture Rodolphus some more, because i'm bored" Tom shrugged, before looking back at the two men "Regulas?"

"Right, um" Regulas cleared his throat "I just wanted to inform you all that my brothers funeral is this Friday" Bella sucked in a breath and blinked tears away. "I hope that you will all make it" He said before making his leave

"Wait Reg" Bella stopped him "Who else is invited?Sirius was blasted off of the Family Tree, no one will turn up"

"I was afraid of that"Regulas nodded solemnly "But I told everyone how and why he died, and they agreed to show, as he died protecting you" He smiled sadly when Bella nodded.

"Do you need help with anything?" She asked.

"No, my mother and your mother are taking care of everything" He reached out and wrapped her in a hug "Don't be blaming yourself Bells, its not your fault, He died to save you" He said softly, pulling away and apparating out of the Manor. Bella wiped a tear away as she sat back down next to Hermione.

"Great, now that that is over and done with" Tom said, pulling the Elder Wand out "Crucio" Rodolphus fell to the ground screaming in pain.After only a few seconds Hermione had enough of the screams and placed a silencing spell on the man. Bellatrix looked at her confused.

"What did you do that for" She frowned as she watched the man wriggle silently on the floor.

"Cause the screams are driving me insane" Hermione shrugged, Bella looked at her like she had three heads.

"Thats the best part" She replied, horrified

Hermione stared at her.

"Thats morbid and insane" Hermione said

"Well"Bella flicked her hair over her shoulder "Thank you, for that complement" Hermione rolled her eyes and turned her attention to the man on the floor, who was now not moving but still breathing.

"He passed out" Tom grumbled, waving his wand over the man.Rodolphus disappeared in a flurry of black smoke

"Where did he go?" Hermione asked

"Dungeon" Tom replied walking over to his family. He went to Hermione first giving her a kiss on the head before kissing his wife.

"Ewww" Hermione exclaimed teasingly, laughing when Bella stuck her tongue out.

"How did it go?" Tom asked, sitting back down at his desk. Bella and Hermione glanced at each other, each wearing an identical smirk on their faces.

"It was so much fun, there was fire everywhere" Bella giggled and clapped her hands excitedly at the same time Hermione did.Tom stared at them and shook his head.

"Lets hope these two are boys" He said glancing at Bella's stomach. "Lord knows we can not handle more Bellatrixs"

"Oi! Now what the hell is that supposed to mean" Bella crossed her arms but smirked challengingly

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