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Standing on Platform 9 3/4 for hours on end was getting quite boring for a 27 year old Hermione. For some reason her little brother and sister, now 11, wanted to arrive early. Hermione thought that 'early' meant 10 minutes early but nope, Bella thought that it meant a whole fucking 2 hours. And for some reason Hermione had to come see them off, even though she is a full grown adult with a very important job in the Ministry and lives by herself in Muggle London. She almost got killed by her mum when she mentioned she was moving out as soon as she left Hogwarts for the last time.

"Shut up Sirius" Caeli poked him with her new wand, flicking her dark brown hair out of her face.

"No" Sirius replied. He brought out his own wand and started to poke his sister with it.

"Quit poking me" Caeli snapped. "Mum, he's poking me with his stupid wand"

"Stop annoying your sister Siri" Bella said, not even looking at them. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"She was doing it to me first" Sirius stamped his foot. Bella sighed.

"Stop annoying your brother Cae" Bella said, getting irritated now. Caeli huffed and crossed her arms blowing hair out of her face.

Caeli was the shorter of the two and inherited most of her mothers looks. She had dark brown curly hair, much like Hermione's used to be and very dark, almost black, eyes. However she, thankfully, didn't inherit Bella's personality, at least not as much as Hermione had done. If Hermione was her age, they would look like twins. Caeli's wand was 12 3/4" and the wood was Birch and the core was dragon heart string.

Sirus was the taller of the two and he looked more like Tom. He had light brown hair, which he was attempting to grow out, and light blue eyes, like Voldemort's would have been when he was younger. Unfortunately Sirius had inherited most of Bella's behaviour and attitude to cause mischief, he also managed to act a lot like his namesake, a fact which humoured everyone. This posed a problem for everyone as the pranks he pulled were usually on Narcissa and Lucius, when ever he stayed over. His wand was 10" , The wood was acacia and the core was also Dragon Heart string.

They couldn't be more opposite if they tried.

After the war was over and they had won, Voldemort and Bella confronted a terrified Narcissa about the fact that she lied to them. Narcissa explained that she didn't expect a full blown battle to break out nor that Potter would try to attack and she was forgiven. Well, that is, after a few hours of torture.

Bella was now a stay at home mother but now that the children are going off to school, she was planning on joining the Aurors, mainly so that she could kill people again and not get in trouble for it.

Voldemort was minister of magic for a while but eventually gave that up to become HeadMaster at Hogwarts, making Snape become the potions master again. The Position of Minister was left open for a while until Hermione herself took over the job and became Minister.

Andromeda and Narcissa had also made up and the three sisters would often be found in Diagon Alley or the Shrieking shack, hiding from their husbands/Children/ grandchildren (In Andi's  and Cissy's case).

Yep, Draco had found himself a wife in Astoria Greengrass (Daphne's elder sister) and together they had a son called Scorpius, who will be coming up in two years time. Unfortunately his long time school girlfriend, Pansy was still missing since the battle and Hermione had been working hard to find her, even though the likely hood is that she is dead.

Tonks and Lupin had managed to survive the battle and joined Andromeda with the rest of their family. Their son, Edward 'Teddy' Tonks would also be going into Hogwarts this year and interestingly, he, like his mother, was a metamorphmagus.

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