Going back?

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Could contain strong language.

The next morning was an awkward one in the Malfoy Manor. No one knew what to say or do, they were unsure whether or not to bring up last nights events and so proceeded to talk about useless topics like the weather and what Narcissa had bought the other day from a magazine, Until Bellatrix snapped.

"Instead  of talking about random shit, how about we talk about more important things like Sirius and Nymphadora" She snapped, causing Tom to glare at her

"Language Bella" He Reminded her  "But I agree, we should move on to more pressing matters, like the blood traitors, should we trust them?"

"I think we should" Narcissa piped up "They seem sincere enough"

"But it could just be an act mother"Draco replied "I certainly don't trust them" Lucius agreed with his son, they hated Bellatrix and Narcissa with a passion, why would they tell Bellatrix about Hermione.

"But why would they tell Mum that Dumbledore never killed me" Hermione said "They must have betrayed Dumbledore, but then again it could be a ruse, to lure Mum away" She said, everyone looked at her and it seemed apparent they all agreed with her, apart from Narcissa, who still believed they were telling the truth.

"I have an idea" Draco said after a moment, he looked at his cousin for support, who just nodded and gestured for him to continue   "Send Hermione to spy on the order." Bellatrix gaze turned swiftly to him, she was not happy. 

"What?" She asked through gritted teeth " How do you suppose we do that, besides we have already got Snape in the order, we don't need another spy." Narcissa sighed, why must Bella be so protective

"Actually Bella, its a great idea with Hermione going back to the order, we can see what their next move is, and find out whether or not Sirius and your niece are honest and you don't 100% trust Snape ,so she can spy on him too "Tom said.Bellatrix did not reply, she just slowly turned towards her husband and stared at him, Hermione noticed everyone, including her father shrinking back, terrified and quickly concluded that Bellatrix was about to explode. She was right.

"ARE YOU INSANE TOM, WE HAVE JUST GOT HER BACK "She screeched, drawing her wand at pointing it at him "HOW IN THE NAME OF HELL WILL THAT WORK?WHERE WILL YOU SAY SHE HAS BEEN?" She could have carried on but luckily for her father, Hermione stepped in

"MUM" She shouting, silencing Bella and shocking everyone, you don't want to interrupt Bella when she is in one of her moods, however Bellatrix just put down her wand and smiled at her daughter, thinking Hermione will agree with her.
. "Its ok, you wont lose me again, Daddy can teach me occulmency to use against Dumbledore as he is a Legilimens and i can just say that i have been staying with some muggle friends from Primary school" It was clear that Hermione and Draco had been talking about this already and had put a lot of thought into it. Bellatrix's smile turned into a frown

"Hermione you are brilliant, you really are the brightest witch of your age " Lucius smiled and ruffled Hermione's hair. Bellatrix huffed, crossed her arms and stormed out of the room, Tom sighed as he stood to chase after her but before he did, he turned to Hermione

" 'Mione you really are a brilliant witch," He said causing her to grin broadly "We will get started on the occulmency lesson later, Okay?He kissed her forehead and left, swiftly to go find Bellatrix.


A few hours later, Hermione was making her way back to her room, after playing wizards chess with Narcissa and then Draco for a few games ,to pick up the current book she was reading, Hogwarts, a History Volume 2, when she passed her parents bedroom. She stopped when she heard her parents yelling at each other, very loudly, however she could not make out what they were saying so she stood there for another five minutes trying to figure it out when she heard a glass smash and her father yelling something along the lines of "STOP FUCKING THROWING THINGS AT ME " Tears filled her eyes and a loud sob came out her mouth and she ran back into her room and threw herself on the bed. She hated when her parents fought, especially over her, she used to cry when the grangers did to. She continued to sob in her pillow, not noticing that her parents had heard her cry and had now gone quite.

A few moments later, she heard her bedroom door open and two pairs of arms wrapped around her tightly. Hermione turned to find her mother's tear stained face looking at hermione's own with fresh tears, threatening to fall, looked at her mother, then father before curling into their embrace.

"No more fighting" She murmured "no more fighting" She felt her mother nod slowly and let a small smile make its way to her face. After a few more moments Tom and Bella pulled away and sat on Hermione's bed to talk to her

"Hermione, your mother and i have come to a decision" He began as Bellatrix stared at her hands on her lap "We are going to let you do this as longs as you promise us that you will be safe and contact us every time you can" Hermione nodded slowly

"How?"She asked "How can i contact you ?sending a letter is way to dangerous, any one can read it"

"I know" Tom nodded "Do you still have your mothers necklace?" He paused, allowing Hermione to bring it out from her Trunk before Bellatrix took it

"This is actually a two - way mirror" She said "Cissy has a matching one, when you need anyone of us just tap it with your wand three times and we will answer." She smiled before dropping it back in Hermione's hand

"Cool" Hermione whispered as she examined the necklace.Bella smirked before standing up and extending her hand towards her daughter.

"Come on its time for lunch, and then we can get started on your Occulmency lessons" She grabbed Hermione's hand and walked out of the room, ignoring Tom. it was clear that se was still angry at him, but a least they were not fighting Hermione shrugged to herself

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