The Final Battle

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Voldemort let out a joyful laugh along with his Death Eaters. He was tempted to grab Bella and dance like a lunatic but decided against it, they now had to save Hermione, Sirius and Caeli.

"LeStranges" He snapped suddenly, calming everyone down. "Grab the body, we should bring it to all of his followers to see"

"Yes my Lord" The brothers said, already heading towards the body. Narcissa gulped and stepped back just incase Harry was discovered. Luckily for her, Rodolphus and Rabastan were quite dumb and didn't realise that he was alive. Voldemort raised the Elder wand towards the wards and destroyed them instantly.

The Death Eaters stormed the grounds, desperate for some kills when Voldemort stopped them once again and held up his hand.

"Patience" He said smoothly. He turned to face the Hogwarts staff and students and grinned. "Today is just a fabulous day, Harry Potter is dead!" The Death Eaters all laughed evilly as Voldemort did a happy dance in no mans land.

"No!" Ginny Weasley screamed, trying to get to him. She was restrained by her father.

"Now, before I kill all of you" He folded his arms. "I want what belongs to me"

McGonagall inhaled before looking at Molly, Who just looked down at the floor and nodded. Suddenly loud bickering and babies crying could be heard coming from the Hogwarts castle.

Hermione and Draco walked out, each holding a baby , ignoring the cries and were just bickering.

"Shut up Hermione" Draco grumbled, trying to shush the baby.

"No I wont Draconian" Hermione hissed. "Not until you admit you are wro-" she trailed off upon noticing everyone gathered. She beamed at her father and mother and calmly walked over.

"They are hungry" She said simply, passing the baby off to Bella. Draco passed Narcissa the other one and both women disappeared. Voldemort examined his daughter for any injuries.

"Im fine dad, piss off" Hermione grumbled, pushing him away. Voldemort rolled his eyes and turned back to the extremely confused enemies.

"Teenagers" He scoffed. "Anyway, Who would like to join me and not die a slow painful death"

Many Slytherins immediately walked over to his side and greeted parents and other Family members. Voldemort grinned at them and welcomed them to the 'Dark' Side.

The sound of a sword scraping against the ground and slow footsteps made everyone stop.

Neville Longbottom had began to walk toward them. Hermione stared at the Gryffindor, with a raised eyebrow.

"Really?" She heard Draco mutter and stifled a giggle.

"I would like to say something" Neville said, staring Voldemort down.

"Well, I think we are all fascinated with what you have to say" Voldemort shared a grin with his daughter.

"It doesn't matter that Harry's gone" Neville said, much to the confusion of everyone. Suddenly a loud crack was heard and Bella appeared again next to Hermione, Narcissa was no where to be seen,probably staying with the babies since she could not duel for her life.

"Psst, Hermione" Bella tapped her shoulder. "What did I miss?"

"I have no clue whats going on" Hermione replied, not taking her eyes off of Neville. Bella shrugged and withdrew her wand. Neville had stopped speaking and was looking at them.

"Carry on then" Voldemort said impatiently. Neville looked back at him.

"R-right" He shook his head. "It doesn't matter that Harry's dead. People die everyday, Friend, Family. It doesn't matter that we lost him because he is here" He patted his chest. "And we will defeat you either way"

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