Malfoy Manor

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About an minute later, Hermione and Voldemort appeared in a flurry of smoke in front of Bella, who sitting in the living room, on the couch, and was trying to read a book and trying to not fall asleep.

"Oh Hello" Bella yawned, closing her book. Hermione smiled and gave her a hug. "Happy Birthday, lovely"

"Thanks Mum" She replied, giggling behind her hand.

"So, how'd it go?" Bella asked her husband, who shrugged.

"As well as it could have I guess" He sighed "Killed a few students, no Death eaters or their children died, captured the Potter boy, gave Hermione the Dark Mark..."

"Woah Wait WHAT?" Bella yelled, holding up her hand to pause her husband "YOU CAPTURED THE POTTER BOY"

"And the younger Weasleys" Hermione said. Bella's eyes widened as she looked between the two.

"Well where are they?" She demanded. Both Hermione and her father visibly winced.

"Malfoy Manor" Tom said quietly and immediately apparated away. Bella stared the spot her husband had just been satnding in.

"Imma file for divorce" She told Hermione,who just rolled her eyes.

"Come on, can we just end this war already?"


Later, Bella and Hermione were on there way to the Malfoy manor via muggle train. As said before, Bella can't apparate and didn't want to make the journey alone and forced Hermione to come with her. Tom had apparated away as soon as he spoke the words Malfoy Manor. They also cannot floo due to the wards around the manor.

"Lets see the Mark" Bella said eagerly. Hermione laughed quietly and pulled up her sleeve to reveal her tattoo. Bella's eyes widened as she realised that it was different and she stared at Hermione with a confused expression.

"It's my Mark" Hermione said proudly. Bella's face broke out into a grin and she clapped her hands together.

"Awesome" She said, Hermione stared at her.

"Dont ever say that again" Hermione told her. Her mother ignored her and instead stared at a man that was walking past their seats.

"Filth" Bella said as the muggle man walked past their seats, looking him up and down with disgust. Hermione's eyes widened when she noticed who exactly the man was and she looked down guiltily. Bella raised an eyebrow, worried at her reaction, Normally her daughter would giggle when she expressed hatred for muggles.Hermione but her cheek as she debated whether or not to tell her mother what caused her to act so strangely.

"That was Kevin Granger" Hermione said quickly. Bella's eyes flashed dangerously.

"So!" She snapped. Clearly she was pissed and Jealous at Hermione's other parents and at Hermione's reaction to them.

"Nothing!" Hermione squeaked out, both failed to notice Hermione's adoptive mother coming up to them. She cleared her throat to get their attention. Bella's head snapped up and she faked a polite smile, secretly gripping her wand or her dagger. Hermione didn't know anymore

"I'm sorry" Jean said, "But I cant shake the feeling that your lovely daughter and I have met before"

"Really?" Bella snarled, Jean nodded with a smile, seemingly unaware of Bella's hostility. "Have you Hermione?"

"Hermione?" Jean frowned, suddenly studying Hermione a lot further

Bella gripped her wand tighter and slowly brought it in to view. Hermione reached across and pushed it back down.

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