The Beginning of the end.

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Ok, so I was gonna do a big plotline with the Black sisters argument but ive come up with nothing, i mean i know what the argument is so we are gonna just mention it and then it probably wont come up again because Im an incompetent writer.

"Are you Insane?!" Molly Weasley yelled at McGonagall, a Fiery glare etched onto her features. The Order had Gathered at 12 Grimmauld place And McGonagall had explained her crazy plan to them.

"Really?" Harry raised his eyebrows staring at the Professor. "What makes you think that its a good idea?"

"Well I just thought-" McGonagall struggled to get her words out but Molly interrupted her anyway.

"NO, you weren't even thinking" Molly exclaimed. "Kidnapping their newborns!"

"Just how the hell are we going to get away with that again without Dumbledore Minerva?" Moody snapped.

"There is more of us this time"Minerva argued "Albus and I did it by ourselves"

"Yeah, AFTER LILLY DEFEATED VOLDEMORT AND BELLATRIX GOT A ONE WAY TICKET TO AZKABAN" Molly yelled. Harry was quiet as his 'family' of sorts argued over the plan.

"What other choice have we got" He said, much to almost everyones chagrin. "But if we are going to do it, we need to get Hermione as well and we need to lure Voldemort and Bellatrix away from them"

"Is everything alright between mum and Cissy" Hermione asked the next morning at Breakfast. Both women were upstairs, Narcissa was giving Bella a healing potion so she could walk around freely and feel no pain. Hermione had to prpare the food using simple cooking spells since the men are incapable of doing anything but Killing and torturing muggles.

Both Lucius and Tom stopped and looked at each other, willing the other one to know.

"My Lord?" Lucius asked.

"No idea, Malfoy" Tom shrugged and went back to eating his breakfast. Hermione frowned. Draco rolled his eyes at her and she narrowed hers at him upon noticing this.

"What!" She mouthed over the table.

"Shut up, Mudblood" He mouthed back. She raised her eyebrow. As. If. He is not using the 'mud-blood' Excuse. Not any more.

"I am not a Mudblood Malfoy" She said loudly, getting the attention of their fathers once again. Draco just rolled his eyes again and excused himself from the table. Hermione gathered some food on her fork and threw it at him.

"Pleb" She shouted, much to her fathers amusement.

"I hope you don't do that to your siblings" Tom chuckled. Hermione just shrugged and went back to eating her breakfast. She bit her lip and thought about a question that has been nagging at her since the Black sisters argued

"Daddy?" She asked slowly, he raised his head suspiciously.

"Yes?" He narrowed his eyes.

"What did mum and Cissy argue about?" She asked, after taking a deep breath. Tom sighed and looked at Lucius for help, Lucius just grimaced and shook his head. Voldemort rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to speak.

"Its not my place to tell you" He said " but I'm going to do that anyway."

(Just want to let everyone know that this is all fake and i made it up, so dont be saying :that didn't happen or :FAKE)

"As you know their was always 3 Black sisters, Youngest being Narcissa, middle being Andromeda and the oldest being Bellatrix, your mother.

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