A battle and A Huge Loss

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Please don't hate me for this chapter :(

This was it.Dumbledore and McGonagall are putting there plan into action,with the help of the order.They had reluctantly agreed on luring Bella away from Voldemort by using Hermione as bait.Tonight at midnight,Dumbledore was going to kill Bellatrix, the Dark Lady, and Harry was going to try and get the Dark Lord.They think they will emerge Victorious.

On the Death eater side, they were thinking quite the opposite of what the Light side is thinking.The Death eaters are going to attack and Break into Hogwarts to kill the thorn in there side, Albus Dumbledore.Voldemort was then planning on naming Snape Headmaster Of Hogwarts. After Dumbledore was vanquished, Voldemort was going to chase Harry down and finally kill him with the Elder wand. They too think they were going to emerge from this Battle victorious.

However, nothing is as easy as it seems.


The next night around 10pm, Hermione and Draco didn't bother to retire to bed, they were waiting anxiously for the clock to strike 11 while sitting in the common room.The plan was to let the death eaters in at 11 so the plan could start and Dumbledore wasn't breathing any later than 12. Draco swallowed thickly as he looked towards his fidgeting cousin, he could not believe she killed someone and that they were about to end Dumbledore, once and for all.

"Are we really going to do this?"He whispered,Hermione glanced at him and saw that he was on the brink of tears.

"Yes, we are"She sighed as she went to sit next to him and put her arms around him in what was supposed to be a comforting hug, but it was just awkward.

"I can't believe this"Draco shook his head "I have a uneasy feeling that something is gonna go wrong 'Mione"

"Don't call me that"She snapped, out of habit, Before her eyes turned soft again "And i do to"She whispered, unaware of how right she was. The two cousins sat in silence once again, both to anxious to speak.Hermione stood and walked over to the window and she just watched the waves crash into the cliff.It calmed her and let , her think.

"Draco, Did you kn-" She begun but she couldn't finish her sentence as there was a loud BANG and a CRASH and then suddenly silence.Then more shouting.A few moments later Dumbledore, McGonagall ,Harry, Ron and the rest of the order stormed into the common room.

"What the Hell?" Draco yelled,standing up.

"Shut it Malfoy" Ron growled, He and Harry stormed over to Hermione and grabbed her arms forcefully.She couldn't help but cry out in pain."Come on, You're coming with us"

"What are you talking about? Let go of me Guys" Hermione yelled, struggling to pull her arm lose from his grasp. "I am not going anywhere!" Hermione gasped as she suddenly felt a stinging pain in her left cheek and her head whipped to the side.Ron slapped her. Oh he was definitely dying first in the final battle.

"Oh yes you are"Dumbledore said "You are going to help us kill Bellatrix tonight" Hermione's eyes widened and she struggled against the boys even harder.She glanced at both of them and noticed they were both Glaring at her.She then glanced at Sirius, who was also glaring, but not at her but rather at Dumbledore, with hatred swirling in his brown eyes.

"Ki-Kill Bellatrix? No NO!" She screamed as she struggled, the boys were now dragging her out of the room as they did she noticed all of the Slytherins had came out of their rooms and looked at Dumbledore angrily, clearly they had heard that he was basically kidnapping her. Before the order left the Syltherin dorms, Hermione reached into her Robe pocket and pulled out the necklace.She looked at Draco, pressed a kiss to the necklace and threw it .Then the portrait shut.

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