Back to Hogwarts (again)

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So, i got major writers block when i tried to continue the aftermath of the mini battle, so i decided to just jump ahead to the start of 6th year if thats alright x
Ps. Just warning you this is quite a long chapter

Summers almost over now. After the whole order fiasco back in July, the Riddle family had not been disturbed for the rest of the summer, save for a few Death Eaters popping in every now and again to get Bella to sort out an Argument. That usually ended up with a Crucio being cast. They have also not spoken to the Malfoy Family, save for Voldemort contacting Lucius by mistake.

Bella had also taken the potion Snape brewed for her and found out the Sexes of the Babies but had outright refused to let Tom and Hermione know. Now it was a week before school and the usually organised Hermione had not even stepped foot in Diagon Ally to collect Supplies for her 6th year in school.

Bella was very eager to get her daughter to go shopping with her and had been trying for the last week or so to get her to go. Finally, after a few days Hermione caved. So here they are at the fire place and ready to floo to Diagon Ally.

"Are you sure you aren't coming Tom?" Bella shouted to him.

"I can't, I've got Evil Mastermind stuff to do" Tom told her, apparating into the room. Bella narrowed her eyes, both ignored Hermione's 'you sound like Dr Evil' comment

"You just don't want to go shopping with me" she sniffed.

"Correct"He grinned "but I also cannot be seen in public until my ultimate, epic, outrageous, witty, funny-"

"Dad, get on with it, I want to get the good cauldrons before they are all gone" Hermione told him, bored.

"Whatever, just go" Tom folded his arms and pouted like a baby.

"Oh, you big baby" Bella placed her hands on her hips. She then leaned over and kissed him.

"Bye daddy, we'll be back in a couple hours" Hermione shouted suddenly, grabbing Bella and the powder. The green fire enveloped their bodies and then they were gone.

The mother and Daughter arrived at Diagon alley a few seconds later, a bit disoriented.

"God dammit 'Mione" Bella muttered gripping her head. Hermione smiled sheepishly

"Sorry Mama" She apologised. Bella just smiled and shook her head.

"Now what do we need to get again?" She asked, peering at the paper in Hermione's hand.

It read:

Congratulations 6th year on completing your OWLS last year. We hope you find your results encased in this envelope to be pleasing

Headmaster Severus Snape would like to invite you back for your 6th year at Hogwarts:School of Witch craft and wizardry. We hope you can join us for another fun -filled, magical school year.

Sixth year students will require:
The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 6 by Miranda Goshawk -Professor Flitwick
Advanced Potion-Making by Libatius Borage
Confronting the Faceless
A Guide to Advanced Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
Advanced Rune Translation
Flesh-Eating Trees of the World
Dress robes.

School begins on September 1 1996. We hope to see you there!

Severus Snape.

"Well then" Bella huffed, "We better get started."

They decided to go to Gringotts so Hermione could change her bank details and for Bella to pick up some money.  They then needed to to go to the Book shop and picked up all of the books she needed. Everyone in Diagon Ally stopped and stared at the wanted criminals, wondering how on earth they could walk around freely. Many people figured that Hermione,was a new death eater as her parenthood was still hidden from the rest of the world and only the order know the full truth.....................

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