Change of Plans

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Quick Authors note: With Voldemort gone to retrieve to Horcruxes, he would not have sent Harry to retrieve the prophecy, So Dumbledore is instead.

The next day classes began and Hermione and the rest of the Gryffindors had Transfiguration and then Herbology, where nothing interesting happened, partly do to the fact Hermione kept thinking about her parents, Followed by potions,where Snape kept looking at her oddly but did not speak to her apart from to answer her questions.She shrugged it off, knowing that it was because she was The dark Lords daughter.

A few hours later, classes ended and Hermione was back up in her dorm by herself, Everyone was downstairs having dinner, she had already finished and decided to go back up by herself, When Harry and Ron burst into her room, Followed by Neville, Luna and Ginny.

"Hey!" She exclaimed "What are you doing, non of you can be in here!"

"Change of plans" Harry said as he grabbed some of her clothes from her trunk "We need to go retrieve the Prophecy from the department of mysteries, get dressed"

Hermione stared at him.

"And why do we need to do that?"  She asked, closing the book she was reading and sliding off the bed.

"Voldemort's after it" Ron said, impatiently. Now get dressed"

"All of you out before you are caught" Hermione said.Really she did not care if they were caught, she wanted to inform her mother and Lucius to be at the department of mysteries.When they all left she quickly grabbed the necklace from the hiding spot and tapped it with her wand, Bellatrix answered straight away

"Hello 'Mione" She said cheerfully

"Hello mum" Hermione smiled "Listen i don't have a lot of time but do you know how daddy is after the prophecy"

Bellatrix nodded

" Well we are going to get it" Hermione smirked as Bellatrix threw her head back and cackled

"Oh perfect 'Mione, I'll get some death eaters and Lucius to go and greet you" She smirked

"Wait aren't you coming?"

"Of course, I am"

"Make sure to be near me, I will be the one to give you it"

"Ok honey, You better get a move on" Bellatrix smiled "I'll see you in a bit"

"I love you mum"

"Love you too baby" Bellatrix blew a kiss and the image disappeared. Hermione sighed as she quickly got dressed and strolled out to the hallway, Where she was meant with a lot of impatient people

"What took you so long!?" Ron exclaimed, causing Hermione to roll her eyes

"Shut it Ron"She snapped "Are we going or what"

Ron rolled his eyes and stomped of, with Harry quickly behind him.Ginny rolled her eyes as she turned to Hermione.

"Ignore him, He is still fuming about what happened on the train" Ginny scoffed and folded her arms,Hermione just nodded as the small group of friends followed after The boys in silence.

A short while later the group arrived at their destination and had retrieved the prophecy, which was in Hermione's bag that she had brought, and where calmly walking out when they heard a woman's laugh, and then suddenly  black smoke surrounded them. Hermione could hardly suppress her smile as she realised it was her mothers laugh, The black smoke then faded away and Hermione felt the familiar feeling of her mothers embrace and immediately relaxed, which was easier said than done because her mother wand was poking her chin.

"Just for show, like i would ever harm you" Bella whispered in her ear as Lucius began to taunt Harry

"WHERE IS IT" Lucius snapped suddenly, causing her to jump "Tell me where it is boy, or you can watch you friends die, starting with the Mudblood filth" He said snarling at Hermione.Bellatrix let out an insane cackle as Hermione let out a fake cry.

"Its in my bag" Hermione cried "Please stop"

"HERMIONE WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT " Ron shouted before being hit in the head by Fenrir Greyback,the werewolf.Bellatrix had been going in Hermione's bag when she stopped, hearing Ron shout.

"Hermione?" She said curiously as she looked at her daughter, Hermione knew that this was because she wanted everyone to know that she knew she was alive, once again Hermione had to admit, Her mother was one hell of an actress.

"Bellatrix" Lucius warned "It's not her,she's dead, now give me the prophecy"

Bellatrix glared at him as she pushed herself and Hermione over to Lucius, Who discreetly winked at her.Bellatrix almost gave him the prophecy when 3 Bright white smoke steams appeared.The smoke disappeared to reveal, Remus Lupin, Tonks and Sirius, Bellatrix immediately pushed Hermione away and began fighting, pocketing prophecy. Hermione began to fight Lucius, however neither of them were actually trying to hit each other. Hermione looked around as she noticed more Aurors appear and nodded to Lucius who stopped fighting and disappeared, along with most of the death eaters. However Bellatrix was now fighting with Sirius, and it was clear that neither of them were actually trying to hurt each other.

Bellatrix looked around and finally noticed all the Aurors and escaped upstairs, where Harry and Hermione followed her, however Hermione stayed hidden

"CRUCIO" Harry shouted the curse at Bella causing her to trip. Hermione panicked as she noticed her mother fall but that soon went away when she noticed that she was laughing.

"You have to mean it Harry" A whisper came, Hermione knew it was her father, she saw her mother press the dark mark before. "Do it, she deserves it" The whisper said before Voldemort appeared in a flurry of smoke. Harry turned swiftly, pointing his wand at Voldemort, Hermione came out of the shadows to help her mother up, when the fire roared to life and Dumbledore stepped out.

He and Voldemort exchange a few words before beginning to duel. Hermione , Harry and Bellatrix all stood aside watching the duel, which Voldemort was winning. He shot a spell at the old headmaster, sending him flying across the room,before speaking again

"Well Albus, not that this hasn't been fun and all,i Am afraid i have to take my leave now" Voldemort sneered before turning to Bellatrix and extending his hand, Which she took with no hesitation.

"My lord" She said, halting him "The mudbloods name is Hermione" She whispered, Hermione watched as Dumbledore and Harry's eyes widen and Her father stiffened.

"It's not her, Bella," He said coldly "She's gone"

"I know But She's the right age" Bellatrix continued

"Thats enough Bellatrix" Tom said softly "She cannot possibly be our daughter, Our daughter is gone" Hermione gasped, playing along as her parents stepped into the fire.


"We are sorry Hermione" Dumbledore said "We are sorry we did not tell you, we thought it will keep you safe"

Hermione scoffed and rolled her eyes.She pinched the bridge of her nose

"Can you just tell me who she is and what happened to her" She inwardly smirked, thinking that Dumbledore will tell her the truth

"Ok"Dumbledore nodded "Bellatrix and Voldemort had a daughter also called Hermione, however after Voldemort was killed and Bellatrix went to prison, the baby was killed" He said, leaving the part out the most important part. Hermione nodded as she looked towards the fireplace and letting out a breath.

"Ok" She said slowly " "Lets go back to Hogwarts, And figure out what we have to do, they have the prophecy now, m- Bellatrix stole it out of my bag"  She cursed and kicked herself because when she almost said mum instead of Bellatrix. Luckily no one noticed as everyone started to walk towards the fireplace and went back to Hogwarts

Who am I? Hermione Granger..Or Riddle?(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now