Punishing the Traitor

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Sorry for keeping you waiting for longer than usual, i usually post everyday but with school starting soon, life's been pretty stressful but this means that this is long chapter for you. :)
(Over 3000 whaaaat)

May contain strong language

Dumbledore and McGonagall were still sitting in Dumbledores office until the early hours of morning they were going over plans on luring Bellatrix away from Voldemort/Other Death eaters.Both had agreed on not telling anyone in the order about this plan unless it was absolutely necessary as it was risky dealing with such a highly dangerous and very smart witch.

"Is it too much to use Hermione as a bait?" McGonagall asked tentatively, she hated the thought of putting her favourite students in danger and even hated the fact that former students,like Bellatrix and Voldemort, will be fighting against them in a battle that was sure to come.

"Very much so" Dumbledore replied curtly, "They know of Hermione's name and that puts her in danger anyway, despite that Bellatrix does not know that she is her daughter"

McGonagall scoffed and shook her head

"What have we gotten ourselves into Albus" She tried to joke but Dumbledore just sighed. He looked at the Transfiguration teacher before standing to look out of the window once more.

"Albus?"McGonagall began again "Are you quite alright? I mean, I know the stress and everything will have taken its toll on you, Lord knows it has to me but-"

"Minerva, If i tell you some secrets with you promise me you will keep them"   Dumbledore said suddenly, cutiing her rambling short.

"To the grave Albus" She replied looking at him worriedly.

"Well first -" He hesitated before drawing his wand. "What do you know of the Three brothers?" He asked. Minerva furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"The children's story? Albus, really, What has that got to do with anythi-"

"Just what do you know of the tale?"

"Well"McGonagall said before taking a deep breath and reciting the children's story that she knew
Off by heart, Dumblefore joined in.

"Three brothers, The Peverell Brothers, travelling along a lonely, winding road at twilight reached a deep treacherous river where anyone who attempted to swim or wade would drown. Learned in the magical arts, the brothers conjured a bridge with their wands and proceed to cross.
Halfway though the bridge, a hooded figure stood before them. The figure was the enraged spirit of Death, cheated of his due. Death cunningly pretended to congratulate them and proceeds to award them with gifts of their own choosing.
The eldest brother, a combative man, asked for a wand more powerful than any in existence. Death granted his wish by fashioning the Elder Wand from a branch of a nearby elder tree standing on the banks of the river. The second brother, an arrogant man, chose to further humiliate death, and asked for the power to recall the deceased from the grave. Death granted his wish by crafting the Resurrection Stone from a stone picked from the riverbank. The third and youngest brother, who was the most humble and wise, did not trust Death and asked for something to enable him to go forth without Death being able to follow. A reluctant Death, most unwillingly, handed over his own Invisibility Cloak.

The oldest travelled to his enemys home and defeated him with a quick wave of his powerful wand.However his arrogance got the better of him, always boasting about his wand  and a murderous wizard crept in while he slept and killed the Man. Thats when death took the first Brother. 

The second brother returned to his home where he lived alone. Turning the stone thrice in his hand the figure of the girl he had once hoped to marry, before her untimely death, appeared at once before him, much to his delight. Yet she was sad and cold, separated from him as by a veil. Though she had returned to the mortal world, she did not truly belong there and suffered. Finally the second brother, driven mad with hopeless longing, committed suicide by hanging from his house' balcony so as truly to join her. That was when Death took the second brother for his own.

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