Birth (Time Skip)

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Everyone said skip, so here you go. P.s bit of advice, don't watch glee while trying to write a chapter, took me twice as long as usual haha.

Two months later.......

Hermione struggled to roll out of bed one Wednesday morning for classes. The past 2 months had been particularly gruelling. Draco had spread rumours about what happened at the manor and as a result most of the Slytherin boys and some girls had begun to avoid her. Pansy, And the rest of Hermione's friends stayed together for the first month but when word got around that her father was the Dark Lord himself, (thanks to a certain blond wimp) everyone refused to talk to her out of fear. She tried to explain that she was still the same girl but it was to no avail. If that wasn't bad enough, the Gryffindors continued to hurl abuse at her every chance they got, of course she always shot them a curse without getting punished but she had begun to feel like an outcast, once again, even more so than when she was still a 'mudblood' or back at primary school, where she had literally no one.

She reluctantly put her robes on and walked out of her room, she was thankful winter break was coming up, although saying that her parents had little to no time with her now that the babies could arrive any minute now and they were also focused on getting Potter once and for all. She knew that she shouldn't mind so much, after all she is sixteen now and is the heir to her fathers legacy, she isn't a baby anymore. So engrossed in her thoughts she didn't notice Daphne and Pansy returning from breakfast early and she walked straight into them.

"Sorry, Pansy, Daphne" Hermione muttered, shooting them a hopeful smile but the other two witches just pushed past her and walked into the common room. Hermione sighed and shook her head sadly, she turned and walked out of the room, placing a mask of confidence on although she wanted to cry.

Most eyes turned to her as she entered the great hall and the room fell silent. By now the truth and some rumours must have made their way around Hogwarts and everyone knew who she was. People had also seen her new Tattoo and had concluded many different theories, non of which she could be bothered to confirm or deny.

Many averted their gazes as she shot each table a glare that could rival Bella's, apart from the brave Gryffindors. Ron caught her eye and raised his chin in a challenge, daring her to do something. Hermione's hand twitched towards her wand, hidden in the inside of her robe but she thought against it. Engaging in a Battle would be foolish, she has no allies apart from Snape at the moment and they would be out numbered by the order.

She silently walked towards the Slytherin table and went to sit in her usual area, only to find that a 1st year was sitting there instead. Hermione raised an eyebrow.

"You are in my seat" Hermione growled, seriously not in the mood. The younger student didn't move and he carried on eating. "Move"

"No" The first year said, much to the shock of everyone. "I was here first"

"Really?" Hermione smirked, reaching for her wand. "Do you know who I am?"

"Of course" The student stared her down "I'm not afraid of you or your father, Harry Potter will defeat you"

Hermione chuckled, shooting a glance at the Gryffindor and then at Snape, who was watching with interest.

"Pureblood or Half blood" She snapped, bringing her wand to poke his chin.

"Half" The student said, nervousness in his tone now.

Hermione tutted and shook her head.

"Maybe this will teach you not to speak about me or my father ever again" She whispered to him. "Crucio"

Who am I? Hermione Granger..Or Riddle?(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now