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Underlined -Spells
Bold- Authors notes
"Muuuuuum" Hermione Said as she walked into Bella's office a few days later, she eventually realised that Bella was her fathers Lieutenant and so organised raids and big battles, she also pays most of the bills and sorts out the death eater squabbles and problems and rights monthly reports on all of the inner circle so Voldemort knows who's not pulling their weight .

Bella put down the letter she was reading and looked over her glasses with narrowed eyes. Wait since when does Bella wear glasses?

"I need them to read" Bella shrugged, reading her mind. Hermione still didn't know when her Mother became a legillimens. "Now, What are you up to?" She folded her arms and peered at her daughter

"Well" Hermione began "Since we are in cornwall..."

"Yes?" Bella prompted, a light smirk appearing on her face.

"Can we go to the beach?" Hermione smiled, expecting a yes. However Bella simply snorted and picked the paper back up.

"If you can convince your father" She said. "I never have been able to, only just about convinced him to go to Hawaii for our honeymoon and then I had to wear pink for the entire two weeks" Bella scowled as she recalled the outfits she had to wear.

"I can convince him" Hermione said cockily, she flashed her mother a grin and bounced out of the room.

"Good luck" Bella called out to her daughter, not looking up from the Letter.

Good luck Hermione thought hah as if i'll need luck, i'm his daughter. She walked along the corridor to her fathers office. Before they had a chance to properly settle in, Both her parents had to back to work and figure out a battle plan, which was quite hard with the two of them, what with them not on speaking terms with Malfoy, this was something that irked the entire family.

Finally Hermione came to her fathers door and raised her hand to knock.

"No" Her fathers voice sounded through the door before she even had a chance to knock.

"You don't even know what I was gonna say" Hermione huffed.

"I am not going to the beach 'Mione" He replied, his voice still muffled by the door.

"Please daddy, just a couple hours" She begged him.




Pretty please"


"Pretty please with a cherry on top"

"Don't like cherries" The door swung open, revealing the Dark Lord himself. Hermione huffed and folded her arms.

"Oh come on Tommy, lets bring the girl down to our private beach" Bella shouted from her office, she heard the entire thing.

"Don't call me that Bella" Tom yelled back. "Besides you've got work that needs doing"

"Almost finished with Yaxley's report" She shouted back "He's the last one"

"God-Dammit" Tom muttered, starting to walk towards his wife, with Hermione on his heels "Well then what about a raid."

"Finished that!" She replied "Rabatian is leading it, muggle Liverpool"

"Ugh fine then" Tom ran his hand through his hair "Two hours"

"Really?" Bella came out of her office with a raised eyebrow and folded her arms. "Why do you never come when I ask you?"

Who am I? Hermione Granger..Or Riddle?(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now