.[ an AU were your soulmates injuries appear on your body, but are just little, patterns. If the injury gets really painful for one person, their soulmate will be able to feel the pain of the injury ]
Ever since during her second year in high school, [Y/N] had this pattern on her shoulder, and she couldn't figure out why.
When she asked her mom, [Y/N] was told that it was her soulmates injury.
Now that completely baffled [Y/N], and she had a hard time believing her mom.
But when her dad came home with an injury on his hand, and her mom had a pattern on her hand, [Y/N] knew it was all to real.
Now, [Y/N] was in her last year of high school, and she just transferred to Seidou High School for her last year.
[Y/N] didn't expect to meet her soulmate now, she expected to meet them after high school was over and done with, maybe during college.
When she transferred to Seidou, she already knew about the famous baseball team, and she wanted to be a manager for the team, after all, she thought baseball was interesting and a good club to join.
She was immediately excepted into the position, and she loved watching the team practice.
Being a manager, she and the other girls had to keep track of the boys medical records and take more records about their improvement.
So when [Y/N] read the record of Chris Yū Takigawa, and saw that he had an injured shoulder, she couldn't believe her eyes.
And of course, when she went to put the record back, she had to get a paper cut on her hand.
[Y/N] sighed and got a bandaid from the first aid kit they had, and placed it on her cut.
Chris, who had been washing his hands at the time, saw a pattern showing up on his hand. He scrubbed at the pattern, but it wouldn't go away.
He instantly knew that it was his soulmate. He had heard the many stories in school about this type of thing, and his dad had confirmed it one day.
He dried his hands and went to bed, wondering who his soulmate was, and if they would like him.
The next day was the day of the second string game. The game that would decide what two players would move up to the first string.
Now, being a manager and all, [Y/N] had to be at the game. She thought that this was a great chance to see the players in action, and know wether or not Chris was her soulmate, as he was in the second string.
[Y/N] sat in a chair that was beside the dugout, and she was the only manager there. The others couldn't make it, so she was sitting alone.
Sawamura was on the mound, and the catcher was having trouble catching his pitch.
The coach called for a player change, and the team thought that Sawamura was getting switched out.
But, the catcher was taken out, and Chris was placed in.
Somehow, the opposite team knew about Chris' injury and they kept bunting it, forcing Chris to throw it.
[Y/N], knowing about his injury, was saddened that the opponents would do such a thing, but it seemed like they were determined to win.
It got to the point where Chris' aim was getting worse because of his shoulder injury.
The opposite team bunted it again, and Chris had to dive to get the ball, but he succeeded in catching it, getting the batter out.
And that's when it happened.
[Y/N] got a searing pain in her shoulder, and she looked out onto the field, and saw Chris clutching his shoulder.
But, being the boy he was, Chris played the rest of the game.
It ended, and when [Y/N] took a look at her shoulder, the pattern was a brighter colour, and it was almost glowing.
[Y/N] knew that she had to confirm wether Chris was her soulmate or not, as she wasn't sure if the record was right or if it was old news.
So, she figured that the best way to do it was to just straight up ask him if he had a shoulder injury, and if he did, show him the pattern on her own shoulder.
Therefore, after the game, when Chris was walking home by himself, [Y/N] was running after him. When she caught up to him, she bent over and was breathing heavily. She wasn't athletic at all.
"Chris." she breathed out as she straightened up. "Would you happen to have a shoulder injury?"
Chris looked startled by the question, but he still nodded his head. "Yeah, why?" he asked.
[Y/N] slung her backpack off her shoulder and placed it on the ground. She pulled the part of her shirt that was covering her shoulder down, revealing the pattern on her shoulder.
Chris looked at the pattern before sighing. "Do you have a paper cut on your hand?" he asked [Y/N].
[Y/N] lifted her hand, showing the bandaid she had placed over the cut. Chris took out his own hand, showing [Y/N] the pattern he had in his.
[Y/N] sighed. "I guess this makes us soulmates." she said.
"Yeah." Chris said. "Is that okay with you?"
"Of course it is! I just didn't expect to find my soulmate right now, let alone it be you!" [Y/N] exclaimed. "Um, is it okay if I give you a hug?" she asked nervously. He's her soulmate, but she barely knew him and she had to make sure it was okay to touch him. She didn't want to overstep any boundaries.
Chris opened his arms, allowing [Y/N] to step into them and embrace him. Chris wrapped his arms around [Y/N], making her feel at home and peaceful.
That night, Chris walked [Y/N] home, and she gave him a kiss on the cheek before heading inside her house.
That happened to be the only night Chris was late for his exercise with his father that he had everyday after school.
i'm sorry that took forever, but i was a little busy, so i had no time to write it.
the next one shot will be a special one for my sister, as a birthday present, and there will be a whole bunch of people there from different anime. i will put a list here with the characters who will be in the next chapter, and it will hopefully be up tomorrow.
People going to party;
1 — Bokuto & Akaashi ✔️ ✔️
2 — Kuroo ✔️
3 — Terushima ✔️
4 — Rin ✔️
5 — Momo ✔️
6 — Nitori ✔️
7 — Kuroko ✔️
8 — Kagami ✔️
9 — Ushijima ✔️
10 — Tender Salami ✔️ [ Tendou Satori ]
11 — Daichi ✔️
12 — Tsukki & Yams ✔️ ✔️
13 — Oikawa & Iwa-chan ( duo ) ✔️ ✔️14 — Tetsuya #2 ( special addition ) ✔️
15 — Me ✔️ [ author ]