oh no. i can feel it coming, (y/n) thought to herself as she sat in class. she turned to Kuramochi, who was sitting next to her, and to her other side was Miyuki. both were looking at the teacher who was explaining something that she really had no need for. but she still tried to listen because she wanted to keep her grades up. she couldn't afford to fail this class.
she wasn't the best of friends with Kuramochi and Miyuki, but they had worked on projects together before. they were pretty decent people.
the only thing was, that they were loud. very loud. Kuramochi laughed a lot, very loudly. especially if you sat beside him, and Miyuki always seemed to be telling him jokes, causing that extremely loud laughter to surface. she had to admit, the jokes were funny, but she couldn't laugh. she had to listen to the teacher.
as she scribbled down more notes, the words on the paper seemed to get blurry. her head was pounding on all sides, getting worse and worse as the class went on. but it wouldn't end soon. the class or her migraine. the bright lights above her head didn't help, they seemed to make it worse, and the overwhelming smell of some boys cologne didn't make anything better.
she got dizzy and a little nauseous. she felt these random bursts of lightheadedness, and the world seemed to be spinning around her. and Kuramochi had the audacity to laugh again.
since it was the beginning of spring, and it was still cold, she had worn a hoodie over top of her uniform to keep warm. she quickly flipped the hood over her head, trying to keep the light out of her eyes so it wouldn't make her head hurt anymore. she was desperate for it to stop.
but her dick of a teacher had other plans.
"(y/n)! no hoods on in class!" he said loudly, adding onto the pain. she pulled the hood down, defeated. she was close to tears, and the migraine was getting her closer and closer.
Kuramochi turned his head towards her, and she looked at him, her eyes watery with pain. she wasn't sure what he was thinking until he asked her quietly, "what's wrong?"
"migraine," she answered, before turning back to the teacher. he stared at her for another moment, and her eyes decided that it was time to release the tears she had been holding in all class. to be honest, that was only like twenty minutes, but that doesn't matter. a tear slipped down her cheek, and Kuramochi, had had enough she guessed. he stood up, pushing his chair out behind him with a deafening screech. she flinched at the loud sound, and he started talking really loudly.
"(y/n) has a migraine. i'm going to take her to the nurses office," he told the teacher, and he just nodded. she quietly stood up, wiping the tear from her cheek before pushing in her chair. before she could grab her things and leave, Miyuki whispered over to her.
"i'll take notes for you. i know you care about your grades." she smiled to him gratefully, another tear falling down from her eye. she wiped it away quickly, before turning and following Kuramochi out of the room.
the lights were even brighter out of the classroom, so she quickly flipped up her hood again, trying to block out the light as much as possible. the farther they walked away from the classroom, the more relaxed Kuramochi seemed to get.
"that was some pretty good acting you had back in class. i should learn how to do that so i can leave class earlier." he commented, putting his arms behind his head and linking his fingers together. she looked at him, bewildered. he was willing to lie about a migraine to get out of class? he must really not know how much they hurt.
more and more tears slipped down her face as thetly kept walking. she just kept wiping them away with the sleeve of her sweater. Kuramochi didn't notice, he was talking as loudly as ever. she winced at the loud sound, wanting nothing more then to go a dark room and lay down until this migraine went away. but she couldn't do that.