okay, so maybe this has gotten a little bit out of hand. i was minding my own business, walking down the corridor to the girls bathroom to take a bath before dinner. my towel was slung over my shoulder and i had a fresh change of clothes in my arms. a girl appeared in front of me, but you know, i didn't think much of it. she could have been simply leaving the bathroom after her bath.
but it didn't stay calm like it was for long. she stopped in front of me, and when i tried to pass her, she just continued to block my way. i repeatedly asked her to move, but she refused and i was getting pissed.
maybe saying "please get the fuck out of my way," was a bit much, but she pushed me to it and she still didn't listen. then, she raised her hand and had the audacity to slap me across the face.
"what the fuck, man!" i exclaimed loudly, holding my cheek. "why did you do that, mate?" i had this light air around me, but i was getting more and more pissed off.
"stay the hell away from Miyuki—kun, you nothing!" she screeched out. i was severely confused. did she just tell me to stay away from my fucking boyfriend? oh no she did not.
"now why on earth would i stay away from my boyfriend, fam?" i asked her with a bitter laugh. i was joking around, messing with her a bit.
"break up with him, then! you don't deserve him!" she yelled, and i shook my head.
"i think you've got it all wrong. he doesn't deserve me. and you don't deserve him." i said, patronizingly slow. "no one will like you if you demand someone to break up with their boyfriend just because you're jealous."
"that's it! you bitch!" she screamed, running towards me at a shockingly fast rate. she was about to scratch me with those fucking claws, when i stuck out my fist, and she didn't have the time to slow down so she ran straight into it. i gasped when she fell to her knees, and i heard laughter from behind me.
"what did you do to this poor girl, (y/n)—chan?" Kazuya said as he walked to my side.
i was breaking down into laughter. "i didn't mean to, i swear to god. she was rushing at me so i stuck my fist out and she ran straight into it! i didn't think it would end like this!" i managed to say through my giggles. "oh my god. i can't believe this happened. i just wanted to take a bath. she started it anyway! she wouldn't let me go into the bathroom, then she slapped me and told me to stay away from you, my boyfriend." i said breathlessly. giggles still slipped through my lips as Kazuya responded.
"who said you're my girlfriend?" Kazuya said seriously, and the girl looked up hopefully.
"i knew you weren't dating him!" she exclaimed, and i frowned at her.
"oh, shut your face. i am, he's just a dick." i said, and Kazuya just laughed, his shit—eating grin present on his handsome face. "now hurry along. i wouldn't hang around any longer. you might develop stage four cancer from listening to this kids bullshit." i said, causing Kazuya to gasp in an offended manner, before we both broke out into giggling messes. the girl stood up, eyed me carefully before running away.
"now, how about we have that bath together?" Kazuya suggested, winking mischievously at me. i just started walking away.
"no, thank you. i'd rather not see you any more then i have to." i stated, turning into the bathroom.
"if you don't like me that much, why did you agree to date me?" he called out after me.
"you know you love me, sweet—cheeks!" i yelled over my shoulder. i heard his laughter from inside the bathroom, and i smiled to myself. even if he was a dick to most people, he was sweet to me and that's what counts. he also deals with my mostly cranky attitude and all my sass, so i have to give it to him. he hasn't gone insane.
word count; 714
chapter started; 4/11/18
chapter finished; 4/11/18
lightly edited
chapter published; 4/14/18oh my god guys. that you so much for 700+ views!!!!!! i never thought that this book would ever reach this far, and i'm so thankful for you guys.
requests are always open, and i will most likely be posting a 1k views special, with crossovers from different sport anime's. comment down any requests you have and i'll do my best to provide.
see you soon!