Hongō Masamune ➀

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(y/n)'s POV

okay, this is getting out of hand. for real.

everywhere i turn there's a spider. seriously! it's getting annoying and it scares the shit out of me every single time. they're all over my room, especially in the corners of the walls, and now they're in the bathroom. i had to try four different stalls because they all had a spider in them.

each time there's one in my room, i have to get my best friend / crush to kill them. he lives in the dorm beside mine, and i have no one else to kill them. i always feel like i'm bothering him when i get him to kill a spider, but i don't have the guts to intentionally get close enough to do it myself. he never says anything about it; but still.

this time, it was right by my face on the wall when i woke up. i checked the time and it was about four in the morning. i cracked my eyes open, and i jumped back so far i almost fell off the bed. i barely held back my scream, but i couldn't help but curse.

i didn't really want to wake him up at this hour, but i really wanted to sleep in my bed. i sighed, and carefully grabbed my pillow and blanket from my bed. i tossed my pillow down and laid down slowly on the ground. i wouldn't wake up Masamune when i had the whole ground to sleep on instead of my bed. at least it was the weekend and not a school night. or morning, i guess.

i fell into a fitful sleep, uncomfortable but unwilling to wake up the one person who could fix it and not be mad.


i wake up to a knock on my door. i slowly opened my eyes, and saw light streaming in from the windows. it was quite bright, and when i looked at the clock, i saw it was quarter to noon. just as i was sitting up to go answer the door, it swung open and there stood Masamune, in all his glory. he stepped in, closing the door behind him as he took off his shoes. i rubbed my eyes as he stopped in front of me, a frown on his face.

"why are you sleeping on the floor?" he asked me. i shrugged, scooting over to grab my glasses from my nightstand.

"there was a spider right next to my pillow on my bed," i told him. i threw my hair up in a bun and stretched my arms, hearing and feeling the satisfying sound of my joints cracking. i cracked my knuckles, and looked at my bed. the spider hasn't moved since before. Masamune followed my gaze and picked up a tissue from the box on my nightstand. he sat on my bed and quickly killed it, and expertly tossed the tissue in the garbage without getting up.

"you could have woke me up," he said. "so you wouldn't have had to sleep on the floor."

"i wasn't going to wake you up at four in the morning because i was too wussy to kill a goddamn spider," i state. "why are you in my room in the first place? i don't recall inviting you over."

"i was here to see if you wanted to go into town to have lunch, but you were sleeping on the floor, so i killed the spider for you," he recapped.

"thank you, Masamune. i appreciate it," i say. he nods. "and yeah, i'll go out for lunch with you. just let me get changed." i ushered him out of my room, and speedily got dressed into a pair of ripped jeans and a plain pale blue crop top. i brushed my hair and left it down, and threw on my pair of running shoes. i grabbed my phone and my purse, and the next thing i knew i was riding my bike into town with Masamune beside me on his own.

we got to the small restaurant, and left our bikes outside as we went and got into a booth along the back wall. a nice waitress took our order, and we were eating in a matter of about twenty minutes.

"i still don't know why you didn't wake me up to kill the stupid spider. then you wouldn't have had to sleep on the floor," Masamune says through a mouthful of food.

"we've been through this, Masamune. i didn't want to wake you up at four in the morning to kill a spider." i shrug. "you would have probably yelled at me."

he shakes his head. "i wouldn't have yelled at you," he says softly; which is new for him. he almost never talks this way. "i'll kill spiders for you for forever. i don't care what time it is."

"Masamune," i said seriously. "you know we're best friends and everything, right? i know you would not have liked being woke up that early."

he mumbles something i don't quite catch, taking another bite of his food.

"what was that?" i question. he chews for another moment before swallowing.

"i dont want to be best friends with you anymore," he says bluntly. he opens his mouth to say more, but i cut him off, tears in my eyes.

"then why bring me out for lunch? why kill the spiders? why do anything at all?" i ask desperately. he puts his hand over my own, and before i can rip it away he tells me something i definitely wasnt expecting.

"because i want to be your boyfriend, you weirdo. let me finish my sentences," he grumbles. a few tears slip from my eyes, which i wipe away quickly.

"don't do shit like that, Masamune!" i exclaim weakly. "don't scare me like that."

"so, what do you say? will you be my girlfriend?" he asks.

"yes, you dumbass. i'll be your girlfriend!"

word count; 1,001
started; 8/31/18
finished; "
published; "

i've developed an unhealthy obsession with Hongō Masamune currently. he's awesome and my favourite grumpy boy.

comment any requests you have. please include a person and a scenario

see you in the next one!


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