Kominato Ryosuke ➁

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songfic w the song 'Perfect Day' by Gabbie Hanna

". . . and after all this time you give me butterflies."

they had been dating since their second year in high school. now, they were one year from graduating college. four years together. and Ryosuke still gives (y/n) butterflies. whenever they hold hands, kiss, even when he smiles at her. butterflies erupt in her stomach. it's a nice feeling.

"months go by, i still get butterflies, butterflies. perfect day, what did i do to deserve this?"

"went back to your house, and we couldn't help but hold each other, tangled at the mouth."

the two sat together on the couch in Ryosuke's dorm in each other's arms. (y/n) sat tucked against his side, one arm wrapped around his waist and the other holding his. it was peaceful.

they exchanged kisses, which gave (y/n) butterflies like always. they were sweet and frequent. (y/n) couldn't help but smile into the kisses. she just loved Ryosuke. she loved evenings like these. calm and quiet.

"took a break so i could take a shower. washed the sand out of my hair from our perfect day spent at the beach. looked into the foggy mirror, saw a message staring back at me."

"i'll be right back, Ryo-chan. i just gotta take a shower," (y/n) said as she stood up. she gave him one last kiss on the cheek before she left for the bathroom.

probably one of the only things that hasn't changed since she was young, was that (y/n) loved to take steaming hot showers. so, of course, there was steam and condensation on the mirrors in the bathroom when she was done. she wrapped herself in her towel and stepped out of the shower. she looked at the mirror and smiled.

"and after all this time you give me butterflies, butterflies. months go by, i still get butterflies, butterflies. perfect day, what did i do to deserve this?

i saw 'i love you' written in the steam, and i couldn't help but smile at the sweet message you left me.

but it wasn't in your handwriting. then those happy little letters were the saddest things i've ever seen."

but. . . Ryosuke hadn't written the message. (y/n) looked down at her feet and the pieces all came together in her head.

he had been working and training late recently. sometimes, he had claimed he was too tired for her to even come over to his dorm. although, all she would have done was lay with him and maybe cook something.

Ryosuke had seemed a little too busy lately. he didn't really make time for her. it was always her clearing her schedule for him. to go to his games, his practice. but he never went to her practice or her performances.

her stomach dropped and she felt like crying.

"you need to get your conscience clean but just spare me the details. please, i just wanna keep remembering this perfect day."

they had gotten into a large argument about it.

"are you cheating on me, Ryosuke? is that what this is?!" (y/n) exclaimed.

he was silent. but that gave (y/n) all the answers she needed.

"i'm not the type to be left speechless, but i don't think i can deal with this. that's all the closure that you'll give this perfect day."

"we're over, Ryosuke. i see how little i really meant to you." (y/n) grabbed whatever she could of hers that was laying around. her phone, bracelet, blanket.

"no, (y/n), listen to me. i-i'm sorry, okay?!" he went to stop her, grabbing her wrist. but she ripped it from his grasp.

"justifications fail as apologies. i don't wanna cause a scene. please let me go, i just wanna leave this perfect day."

"i was drunk, (y/n)! i didn't know what i was doing. i guess she woke up after me while i was in the shower and wrote that before leaving! (y/n), i'm sorry! i regret it! please don't leave."

"don't try and guilt trip me, Ryosuke. if you really wanted me to stay, you wouldn't have done this."

". . . wish you would have wiped it away. let me live in blissful ignorance and let me have this perfect day. but you left it all in ruins. we ended on a perfect day. really wish i could forgive this."

(y/n) was sobbing as she left his dorm, quickly making her way to hers. she unlocked and opened the door to her dorm and her roommate was sitting on the couch.

she let out a loud, ugly sob and her roommate, Ryosuke's friend Kuramochi, whipped around to look at her. he jumped up, rushing over to her.

"what's wrong, (y/n)? why are you crying?" she just latched onto him in her delirious state. "is it Ryosuke? did something happen with him?" that just made her cry harder.

"he-he cheated on me, Yōichi!" she exclaimed through her cries.

"cause after all this time, you give me butterflies, butterflies. why'd you lie? don't hurt my butterflies, butterflies. watch them die, you killed my butterflies, butterflies. butterflies ruined my perfect day."

when ever (y/n) saw Ryosuke after that, her breath hitched and she had to look away before she started crying.

she threw out everything that reminded her of him. all the gifts she had gotten from him, all the pictures. she wiped almost her entire phone gallery and deleted his number. she was trying to move on, but it was difficult.

was there a way she could delete the memories they had together? or the familiar sound of his voice and his smell that she could never possibly forget?

"what did i do to deserve this?"


yo yo. coming at you with angst.

what did you guys think of this? if you take away the songs lyrics, it's actually embarrassingly short. but i'm happy with it.

if i wrote a Furuya Satoru oneshot, what should it be about? i really want to write for him but i don't know what it should be about.

anyhow, i'll see you guys soon! you guys are lucky. this is out the day after the last one. i'm really hitting you with the content, huh?


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