"so, what's your favourite colour?" i had asked her one day. she looked at me as if it was obvious. and it was, i'm not sure why i even asked her that question.
"blue!" she said loudly, but mumbled something after. "and brown." she brightened up in a second though, that's what she did every time. "what about you?"
"guess." i said, and she thought for a moment.
"yellow!" she said excitedly, and i nodded my head. "yay! i guessed right!" she did a little dance in her spot. she was so excited and i couldn't even begin to comprehend why.
"what about your favourite animal?" i suggested, and she was silent for a moment, before getting a little riled up.
"how do you expect me to pick a favourite?!" she said. "that's like being a parent and choosing a favourite child. it's inhuman."
"alright, i get it. what do you think mine is?" i asked, looking up at the sky. it was getting darker by the second, and i knew any minute now you would stop all conversations to focus on the main reason we were out here. you wanted to watch the sunset, and you wanted to do it with me. i didn't mind, because it meant i got to spend time with you.
"a hyena, obviously!" you exclaimed, and i nodded my head again. you did another little dance when i nodded, whispering something to yourself that sounded something like 'i'm so good at this'. i smiled down at you, and that's when you went silent. you gazed up at the sky, and i raised my head as well, taking in what you were seeing. it was truly beautiful. the sky was getting a purple colour, turning from a bright orange to a lilac purple in only a few minutes. after lilac purple it turned into a deeper violet, before finally changing into a navy blue with made the white stars shine bright.
i put my arm around your shoulders, hugging you closer to my chest. you shivered slightly, and i knew you were getting cold. you got cold so easily it was almost laughable. you cuddled closer to my side, taking in my warmth and i knew; this is what happiness feels like. i wanted to feel like this all the time, and i knew it was possible with you by my side.
so as we fell asleep under the bright, starry sky, i couldn't help but feel content. i had you with me, under a mountain of blankets you had unpacked after the sun had fully set, in a tent on top of a hill. this was a picnic that turned into camping, but neither of us minded. we were happy so long as we were together.
and just between me and you, when you exclaimed my favourite colour or favourite animal, it wasn't really those things. i didn't have a favourite colour until you loudly stated you thought it was yellow. i began to love the colour, and it turned out to be everywhere. and i didn't have a favourite animal until you basically screamed out hyena. i'll never think of yellow or hyenas the same again.
and i would not trade it, even for the biggest if diamonds. because your smile when you said those words, was brighter than the shiniest rock in the world.
word count; 562
chapter started; march 2nd 2018
chapter finished; march 2nd 2018
chapter published; march 2nd 2018enjoy the short lil oneshot i cooked up in about 20 mins. it probably sucked but i wanted to get it down before i forgot it.
you can contact me on instagram @/kuramxchi