plot ; q&a w the boys
my real name is getting exposed oh no (EJ is not my sister's real name. i changed it bc i would get hit if i didn't) 5/6/18"during this time, you guys can ask us pretty much any questions and we'll answer it." i annouce to the group. i was joined with only the best kids from Diamond no Ace. the first strings of Seidou, Inashiro and a select few from Yakushi; along with all of their Coaches. just for fun. "or should we lower it to one question per person?" i ask my twin sister, EJ. she insisted on being here as the editor and the first person to hear each chapter.
"i feel like we should do one question per person, but i also feel like some won't want to ask a question. so we'll go with the first one." EJ says, and i nod. "who's first?"
Sawamura's hand shot up first. "oo, oo, me, me!" i smiled at his eagerness. "okay, how tall are the two of you?"
"why that question first?" i groaned. i knew a few of the boys were going to make fun of it, just like one boy in my class. "i'm five-four, and before you say that's short, it's actually average where i come from."
"that's still short, Gemma," Kazuya teases. "no matter where you're from."
"oh fuck off, Kazuya." i snap, and laugh at his reaction. he definitely wasn't expecting that.
"well, i'm five-three and a half, thanks for asking!" EJ exclaims, causing a few chuckles around the spot. we weren't actually inside, instead on the hill behind field B at Seidou. i sat beside EJ, and we faced pretty much everyone else. they sat in a small semi circle around us, a few closer to us then others.
"actually, where are you from?" Sanada asked us, and i turned to face him. he sat in the middle of the semi circle, right next to Raichi, who looked just about to burst with excitement. how could he be that happy? it's just me and my sister.
"from a small town in Ontario Canada, but i'm not telling you people which one just for privacy." i answer him, to which he nods at. "next question."
"what's your favourite colours?!" Raichi almost yelled. he looked so excited and his eyes are so bright and happy, full of curiosity.
"pale blues, greens, oranges and yellows," EJ tells him, and he takes in the information with a huge smile.
"i have a lot, to be honest. i really like all shades of blue, grey, gold and yellows. pastel colours are really pretty as well as browns and white." i say, looking down.
"ya—haha! you really weren't joking when you said you have a lot!" Kuramochi exclaimed. his hyena—like laughter made me giggle.
"uh, what's your favourite movie?" Nori asked quietly. i smiled over at him, pausing to think.
"i can't really choose, but i like all things Marvel, to be honest," i answered. he smiled, and we all turned to EJ, awaiting her response.
"i don't know! please don't make me choose!" she exclaimed, sending a wave of laughter around the circle. "next question!"
"favourite singer?" Kuramochi asked. my face lit up, and i grinned at him.
"Shawn Mendes, obviously!" i said. Miyuki scoffed, and i glared at him. "oh, be quiet Miyuki you probably haven't even listened to his music before."
"i don't have to. he's most likely terrible." he crossed his arms over his chest, smirking at me. i frowned.
"i don't have one, to be honest." EJ told everyone. Miyuki rolled his eyes at me, but smiled over at EJ.
"who is more blind?" Miyuki asked, motioning to our glasses.
"her," i said, pointing to EJ. "although, you probably have worse eyes." i laughed, to which Miyuki glared at me for.
"favourite. . . . food?" Tanba whispered.
"favourite food? well, i really like cream cheese and crackers, or some good old salad." i answered.
"again, i can't choose," EJ answered.
"cream cheese and crackers? what kind of monster are you?" Kuramochi asked. i shrugged.
"if you try it, you'll probably like it," i said. he shook his head. "next question."
"when are you leaving? we can't spend all day here!" Jun asked. i gasped, holding the piece of my shirt above my heart.
"you wound me, Jun." i huff, lookin away.
"he moons you?" Sawamura asked. i looked over at him as everyone else started cracking up.
"wounds me, Sawamura. wounds. and so do you, now." his face loses all it's colour, and he's frantically saying sorry. i laugh, and soon enough, he's glaring at me because it was just a joke.
"wait, you said you like Marvel. that's like, super hero's. awww! Gemma believes in super hero's!" Miyuki cooed. i gave him a dirty look.
"i dont believe in super hero's. they're just good movies. watch one. i suggest Captain America: Winter Soldier, but don't watch Infinity War. it'll rip your heart o-" EJ covers my mouth, preventing me from talking anymore about Marvel movies.
"and we're leaving!" EJ exclaims. everyone starts protesting, but when i break free of her grasp i dart away and crouch down behind Miyauchi.
"you can't make me!" i yell.
"come on, we're going. say goodbye. it's for your own good, you know."
"EJ, why do you have to be such a debby downer?" i whine, standing up. "goodbye, everyone. it was nice knowing you. you should all watch all the Marvel movies though! they're so good!" i say before EJ can stop me.
Sawamura rushes up to give me a hug, and soon everyone is hugging me and EJ, saying goodbye and insisting we visit again soon.
"goodbye everyone!" i yell.
"goodbye!" they yell in unison.
"we'll visit soon!" EJ screams.
"we'll be waiting!" Kuramochi yells back. i grin, and turn around.
today has been really fun.
okay, that took me for-fucking-ever, and i'm so so so so sorry. maybe now that this is over i can go back to updating more often bc it'll just be short one ever reads the authors note, but i really want to make a marvel oneshot book and i want to know what you guys think. should i do it? i probably will regardless, but if you guys want to say your two cents i'll take it into consideration.
i know this is a shitty 1k special, but i just want to say thank you to all my readers, because your support means the world to me. if you want to request anything, requests are always open and i'll get right on whatever it is, within reason.
a biggggg thank you goes out to my sister, kkazuya who is my number one supporter and fan. she reads all my books, no matter what they are, and she edits all my work and i can't thank her enough. so, thank you, EJ.
see you soon,