wow can't believe i haven't done my bby boy earlier i'm disappointed w myself(y/n)'s POV
today was a day to remember. it was my first date with my boyfriend Sawamura Eijun. he had the day off, and he really wanted to take me in to town for lunch. i was not objecting, not in the slightest.
but the day was. . . interesting to say the least.
Eijun came at around ten, asking me if i wanted to go to lunch with him. i happily agreed, telling him i'll meet him at the bike racks in an hour. i promptly got dressed, did my makeup, and went on my phone until it was time to go. i slipped on my shoes, to which i found that there was a hole in the sole. a small thing, but still confusing and out of the norm. so i settled for some flats. i grabbed my longboard, and found one of the wheels missing. that's also confusing and new. i grabbed my purse, and decided to just buy a new set of wheels from the store while we were in town.
i walked to the bike rack, where Eijun was waiting.
"are you ready, (y/n)-chan?" he asked excitedly.
"of course! let me just grab my bike, and we can go. i need to stop at a store while we're in town, though. to buy new wheels for my longboard." i took hold of the handle to my bike, and pushed down on each tire. just a check to see if the tires were pumped up enough. but when i pushed down on the back one, i heard a whistle of air coming from it. it was popped. "what?" i said, confused. it definitely was not popped the last time i rode my bike, which was yesterday. "looks like i'll be getting another bike tire too." i sighed. "do you have a bike?"
"uh, no," he said.
"looks like we're walking, Eijun. sorry. i didn't know the tire on my bike was popped." i frowned, my eyebrows furrowing together in confusion.
"what's wrong, (y/n)-chan?" Eijun asked worriedly.
"it's nothing, Eijun. promise," i assured him, smiling. i took his hand in mine and we started walking to town.
when we got to town, Eijun lead us to a busy café. the line was almost out the door, and it happened to be on a busy street. people were everywhere.
"aw, shoot! it wasn't this busy last time i went here!" Eijun whined. "looks like we'll have to go someplace else. (y/n)-chan. sorry." he sulked, shoulders slumping down.
"it's fine, Eijun. really. i know a place, and i think you'll love it." i squeezed his hand reassuringly, and started dragging him down the street. i held on tight to his hand, so i didn't lose him among the sea of people.
but when i turned down the street, the one place i wanted to go was under construction and was closed until further notice.
"really?" i asked myself. "of all days to be under construction, it had to be today? ugh," i groan, turning to Eijun.
"sorry, i didn't know it would be under construction," i said sheepishly.
"that's fine, (y/n)-chan!" Eijun said happily. "maybe we can walk around and find a new place to try." he grinned, which caused me to smile.
"alright. let's go find a place to eat."
so, we found another café, except it was also busy. not as busy as the last one, but still busy. we shrugged it off, figuring this was the best we were going to get on such a busy day today. we waited for a seat for half an hour, and when we finally got one, we got the rudest waitress i've ever met.