Hongō Masamune ❹

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"i'm with you 'til the end of the line, pal."

age 14

there she stood, by herself at the graduation dance. all the parents had left, and the kids were gathering with their friends to dance the night away. she didn't have many friends, and she didn't know where the ones she had were.

but they were there. the two of them — both boys — snuck up behind her and tapped her shoulders. she whirled around and smiled brightly when she saw them.

"Masamune! Renji! i thought you guys weren't here. where were you?" she asked them, holding her clutch to her chest.

"we were getting some fresh air. it's stuffy in here!" Renji said loudly, over the music.

"tell me about it!" she exclaimed, fanning her face. "you want to go outside? i'm sure we can still hear the music out there!"

so, the three of them went outside into the cool spring evening. outside the school's gym was much better, and no one else could witness their horrible dancing. the trio danced the night away together, laughing loudly at each other's dance moves. when people started getting picked up by their parents, they sat on a bench to catch their breath.

they told jokes, laughing until their sides hurt and they could barely breathe. they cherished the moments together because they didn't know what would happen in high school. the last thing they wanted was to lose this beautiful friendship they had, but high school was different for everyone.

Renji was the first to leave. he hugged his best friends goodbye and waved until his arm hurt and he was out of sight.

Masamune and (y/n) sat together on the bench still, awaiting the inevitable moment where the next would get picked up.

(y/n) broke the silence. "Masamune, will you forget me in high school?" the girl was afraid of his answer, and waited with baited breath for him to talk.

"of course not," he told her. "will you forget about me?" his own insecurities shone through and she smiled softly.

"of course not! how could anyone forget you?" that was true. who could forget someone like him? "will you make a promise with me?" she turned to him, angling her legs towards his. she looked at the side of his face until he faced her too. she held out her pinky, and he linked his with hers.

"sure." was all he said.

"repeat after me. i will not leave the person to which my pinky is linked with at this very moment. no matter the circumstances, i will stay with them at all costs. never, ever will i forget about them."

"that's sappy, (y/n)," the boy complained, but took a deep breath nonetheless. "i will not leave the person to which my pinky is linked with at this very moment. no matter the circumstances, i will stay with them at all costs. never, ever will i forget about them. ahh! that was a mouthful."

"sorry, Masamune," she apologized. neither of them felt the need to hold up their other hand as they shook their pinkies, incase their fingers were crossed and therefore breaking the promise. they felt at home with each other, and they knew the other would never break a promise.

"Masamune! it's time to go!" someone called. said boy faced where it came from and sighed.

"it's my dad. sorry, (y/n). i've got to go." he let go of her pinky hesitantly, as if he didn't actually want to. she smiled gently.

"that's fine, Masamune. i've got to go soon too. my dad should be here any minute now." the two stood up and they hugged each other tightly, not really wanting to let go.

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