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It had been a few days since I got to Korea and now I was in Hong Kong for the MAMA performance.

I was so excited, it was my first time performing mine and GD's song with him and singing Korean, my heart was racing so fast! I was getting ready in my dressing room. I wore a wine red t shirt dress with black fishnets and black doc martens. My hair was done messy and wavey. GD knocked and came in. He looked amazing, with a satin wine red suit and gelled back hair. We matched!

"How are you feeling Y/N?" He asked.
"Honestly, I thought I'd be nervous, which I am, but I'm more excited than nervous! I can't wait to perform with you."
He put his arm around my shoulder. It was still kind of weird to have my musical hero touch me like this but we were close now, thanks to him dating my best friend and me working with him for the past few months.

"There's someone here to see you by the way, who might help you feel more comfortable, I know he makes me more comfortable." GD said, and with that, Jihyun burst into the room.
"Y/N!!!!!!!!!" He screamed as he picked me up in a hug and spun me around.
"JI!!! I'M SO GLAD YOU COULD MAKE IT!" I started to cry from happiness.
"That's true haha. And also PLEASE explain why you never told me you had so many idol friends?!?" I was still slightly mad that he never told me before.
"Babe, it never came up in conversation, but don't worry I don't know Yugyeom personally. If I did I definitely would have told you." He winked.
"Yugyeom?" GD asked.
"Yeah he's from a group called GOT7, Y/N's idol crush." Ji replied.
"And that's all that it is, a little crush!" I said to them both.
"Oh I think GOT7 are performing tonight as well, you might see him." GD patted my back as he walked out.
"I'll see you on stage Y/N, you'll do great. And Jihyun I'll see you at mine tonight." He said as he blew my best friend a kiss.

Jihyun stayed with me until it was time for my performance. I was watching from the TV screen in my dressing room, which wasn't too bad.

BTS' performance began.
"Ahh it's BTS!" I said.
"Yeah they're great live." Jihyun said, rooting for his friends.
"As if you're friends with them, and you got Jungkook to pick me up from the airport!"
"What? He was my only friend who was available." He said, nonchalantly.

We watched BTS' performance in awe, and when it ended we heard them walking to their dressing room backstage.
"Is that them?" I asked Jihyun.
"Yeah! Do you mind if I pop out to say hi?"
"Of course not." I replied with an excited smile.
Jihyun opened the door, which let out a loud squeak and the 7 boys instantly turned their heads to look at him.
"Jihyun? That you?" Said Jin.
"The heck are you doing here?!?" Asked Rap Mon.
Great Jihyun. You didn't even think that they'd question why you'd be here...
"Yeah and why do you have your own dressing room? Or is someone in there with you?" Asked V, trying to peek through the door, but Jihyun blocked him.
"Ahhhh! I just wanted to say hi to you guys, I didn't even think up an excuse..."
Jungkook was stood there, in thought, till he said, "Wait, I think I know what's going on..." Jungkook walked to the door and pushed it open, "Y/N?!?" He said quietly.
"Gahhh, how did you know??" I asked him, holding my forehead in my hand.
"Wait, Y/N, the singer, is in there?" Suga asked.
"Shhhh don't speak so loud! No ones supposed to know." Jihyun told them as he pushed them all into my dressing room to avoid anyone walking past to ask what was going on.

"Jungkook, how did you guess it?" Said Jimin.
"Well.....I went to pick her up from the airport, and she told me she'd be busy while here, and I knew that MAMA was just around the corner AND that she recorded a song with my hero, G-Dragon, I love the song by the way!"

"Thanks man." I replied.

"Anyway yeah I saw GD walk into this room earlier and so when I saw Jihyun here just now it all added up, so that's how I knew, you're the surprise performance!" Wow, Jungkook's smart.
"Ok but you have to promise not to say anything guys!" I begged.
"Of course not!" They all replied.
"Um, hehe, and also, it's so cool to meet you guys, I'm a fan!" I had to say it, I was so mesmerised by them all, they're even more good looking in real life!
"You too Y/N!" Said J hope, and they all nodded.
"Well it was nice seeing you two, can't wait to see your performance! And see you later Jihyun!" They all said goodbye, but Jungkook stayed and turned to me.
"Y/ know Yugyeom's here right?" He asked.
"Uh, yeah I figured he would be."
"Please wait after your performance, I'll introduce you both, okay?"
"Wait I don't know if I ca-"
"Perfect! I'll see you later then!" He cut me off and then ran to catch up with the rest of BTS. I was too embarrassed to face Yugyeom! But I did want to meet him...
"How exciting, you can finally meet Yugyeom!" Jihyun said while nudging me with his elbow.
"Yeahhh, Ji I'm's not that I like him like that but he knows what I said in that interview, I was only messing around, I don't want him to think I'm a weirdo and definitely don't want it to prevent us from being friends."

"Y/N, you have nothing to worry about, you're an amazing girl and if Yugyeom thinks you're a weirdo, which I doubt, but if he does, he's not worth being a friend, is he? Because being weird is what makes you special, and I love that about you. And honestly I think you're worried about nothing, you only said you had a crush on him, heck I have a crush on all of my friends and it doesn't change anything between us!" Jihyun joked. I smiled and gave him a hug.

I was so lucky to have a friend like Jihyun, he really helped me feel better about the whole situation, and I was starting to look forward to meeting Yugyeom for the first time...

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