CHAPTER 21: Date, with y(o)u?!

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2 days later....SATURDAY!

It was my first day off! Finally! I had such a busy schedule recently I felt like it was never ending, but finally, my day off was here.

As soon as I woke up, I picked up my phone to check how many messages I had. My parents messaged me, telling me to work hard and that they love me!
My friends sent me pictures of them all hanging out without me back at home....
Jackson hadn't messaged me about our date yet, in fact he hadn't messaged me about it the past 2 days, but, my manager back at home...sent me some interesting pictures.

They were pictures of me and Yugyeom walking together, alone, at night. The message attached to the pictures said,
"Be careful Y/N, stuff like this can make you lose fans, on top of that, people won't be judging you for your talent anymore, they'll be judging you for 'dating' an idol.
Take care and keep me updated."

My manager, Gabriella Ha, was concerned for me, and I felt bad for letting her down. I know it was nothing but it obviously looked like something was going on between us in the pictures. I knew I had to be more careful, especially with my date with Jackson today!


I had an incoming text. It was from Jungkook.
It read,
"Y/N! I've been so busy I haven't been able to text you to talk about what happened with Yugyeom. But whatever happened between you two, just know that yes, he is a bit childish, but it's not a negative thing, he's just a bit sensitive. He doesn't hate you, he still likes you and wants to be friends, I'm sure of it. Please don't ruin the chance of at least being friends!! I really want the three of us to keep hanging out with each other!

P.s , you and JACKSON???"

That was sweet of him, I thought. But I didn't want to force me and Yugyeom to make up just because Jungkook said so, I wanted Yugyeom to show that he's not an asshole and do something to prove to me he still wants to be friends.

Also, why the hell was everyone so surprised about me going on a date with Jackson???


It was evening and I had just finished getting ready for our date. I was wearing an oversized beige turtleneck sweater, tights and a long black dress coat, with my face done up as pretty as I could make it. I texted Jackson that I was ready to be picked up. Five minutes passed, so I called. He didn't reply. Another five minutes passed and I called again, yet he didn't reply.

After 40 minutes had passed since the time he was supposed to come and pick me up, I finally got a text off of him...not even a phone call?
The text read,
"Sorry Y/N, I'm at JYP working overtime for some of my solo work but I'll probably be done in a half hour, if you go to the cinema I can just meet you there, okay? Sorry!"
For some reason, I felt like I knew this was going to happen. Holding in my disappointment, I grabbed my bag and left for the cinema.

Yugyeom's POV

I was sat in the living room of our dorms, watching tv in my grey sweatpants with Bambam and Youngjae, when Bambam's phone started to ring.
"Yo Jackson," he said as he picked up. I turned away from the tv to look at Youngjae, sat on the other side of Bambam, with a confused expression...I'm sure he was with Y/N at this point for their date.
"Are you for REAL? That is so not cool man." I heard Bambam say.
"What's going on?" Youngjae asked, but got no reply as Bambam told Youngjae to wait a minute.
I kept listening in on their conversation.
"Ok. But just this once, don't pull this shit again, she's a lovely girl." He said, ending the call.

I didn't ask what it was about, and just turned back to watching tv.
Bambam looked at me, "You're not even gonna ask what that was about?"
"I'm asking!" Youngjae replied.
"It's not my business is it?" I said.
"Basically, Jackson's cancelling his date after telling Y/N to meet him at the cinema but feels too bad about it to tell her so told me to tell her for him."

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