CHAPTER 15: Yugyeom's POV - Feelings...

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"...And then when I tried to hit my high note, my voice front of 5000 people!"

I decided that it'd be best to walk Y/N home, I just felt worried about something happening to her if she was alone. We just started talking about random things.

"Haha Yugyeom, that's happened to all of us I bet!"
"You're right, doesn't make it less embarrassing though." We laughed as we spoke about each other's most embarrassing moments.
"So what's your most embarrassing moment?" I asked her. She got silent all of a sudden.
"...Y/N?" I peeked at her face.
"O--oh, yeah? I can't really think of one right now to be honest." She said as she did a cute smile with her eyes closed.

She was really pretty.

I already knew that before, but the way she looked under the moonlight was even more breathtaking. I gulped silently.

We finally made it and were stood outside of the hotel. I knew now it was time to part...
"Do you know when you're leaving to go back home?" I asked, standing opposite her as we both stared at the stars.
"Yeah, tomorrow night..." She said, sadness in her eyes.

For some reason, my chest felt heavy at the realisation of her leaving.
"Hopefully, by chance, we'll be able to meet again soon?" I said.
"I really hope so, tonight was really fun with you guys. I'm glad I made some good friends tonight."

Ouch...why did it hurt when she referred to me as a friend? Isn't that all I wanted anyway?
"Yeah. Me too." I said with a hopeful smile.

I think I was trying to deny it to myself all night, seeing as though I only just met her, but....the whole night I felt butterflies in my stomach....could it be that...

"Well, I guess I better go up then." She said, slowly turning towards the hotel doors.
"W--wait!" She turned back as I called out, "You're not gonna give me your number before you leave?" I said with a voice of pure confidence. No idea where it came from all of a sudden.

"O--oh, yeah how could I forget! Here put yours in." She said as we swapped phones.

Yes Yugyeom, goal achieved!

"I guess I'll see you....whenever?"
"I really hope so." She replied as we both shared similar, upset expressions on our faces.

"Bye Yugyeom."
"Bye Y/N." And with that, we both turned opposite ways to each other and left.

I felt so empty as soon as she left, and it got me thinking again...could it be....

Had I already fell in love with Y/N?


I got back to the dorms and walked into my shared room with Bambam. Thankfully, he was still awake, I needed someone to talk to.

"So, how was your little bowling triple date?" He asked as he sat up on his bed.

"It was fun, Jungkook was being weird though."
"He's a weird ass drunk anyways." Bambam replied.
"Ain't that the truth!"
I sat at the edge of Bambam's bed.

"So? Anything between you and Y/N though?" He said as he gave me the typical side smile and wink face.
"Ughhh see I wanna tell you but I'm embarrassed." I covered my face with my hands to hide my stupid smile.

"Boiiiii if you don't tell me I'm gonna spam you with memes."
"Why would you say that as a threat?" I questioned him as I looked up.
"Oh. Well, JB and Mark don't appreciate the art form so I wasn't sure if you-"
"Memes are life bro." I replied to him.
"You know it!" He replied and we did our secret handshake/dab.

"Anyway, just tell me, what was it like between you two?"
"Well, for me...I'm pretty sure it's like a love at first sight kind of thing..." I said, slightly blushing.
"AHHHHH." Bambam screamed as he threw his pillow at me.
"Fuck off." We heard someone from the room next to ours sleepily yell. Probably Mark.
We both giggled.

"Well, do you know how she feels?" He asked.
"I don't think she feels the same way. Actually, I swear she kind of friend zoned me tonight?" Bambam looked down, sympathetically.
It was quiet for a few seconds.

"But anyway, even if she did feel the same, there's nothing we could do about it, after all, we live on opposite sides of the world, right?" I let out a fake laugh.
" don't think you'll ever tell her how you feel?"
"Nah, the feelings will probably go away soon anyways." I said as I got up off Bambam's bed to turn the light off.

"Anyways goodnight bro."
"Goodnight big guy."


Hiiii! Apologies for a short and late chapter but I WILL be updating again tomorrow!!!

Back to Your POV...a call from GD...asking you to meet him somewhere the morning of your supposed flight...?

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