CHAPTER 11: After Party

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"Hi Yugyeom."


There we were. Finally stood in front of each other, greeting each other for the first time. He stood there staring at me with kind eyes and a kind smile, so sweet I had to turn to look down, blushing hard, he was just so much more good looking in real life.

I then realised Jackson's arm was still around my shoulder, and Yugyeom seemed to notice it at the same time as me,

"What's going on here Jackson?" He asked with a suggestive grin while pointing his head towards Jackson's arm that was around me, his own arms crossed.

"Nothing boy, don't be dirty," He said as he removed his arm, "I was just saying hi."

"Are you guys on stage next?" I asked them all.

"Yeah, so quick take a seat so you can watch us!" Bambam said.

"Like I'd miss it! Have fun you guys." I said as they went on stage one by one.

As Yugyeom walked past me to get on stage he said, "You're performance, blew me away. You're so good on stage." He sounded truly amazed, like a shy little boy almost, and I felt truly honoured.

"Awwww...thank you so much." I replied with a bow, earning a blush from Yugyeom's cheeks and he ran onto the stage.

Jackson walked past me next and whispered, "Y/N, there's an after party with me and the boys and some other idols if you'd like to join us?"

I thought to myself for a second if I should go or not, and ended up replying, "Sure, but I don't think I can stay long."

"Perfect, I'll get a car to take you there, wait for us outside the venue entrance?"

"Sure! Now quick get on stage!" I said as I ran off to quickly get a seat to watch.

After their performance, and the rest of the performances, the eventful night was over

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After their performance, and the rest of the performances, the eventful night was over. I let Jihyun and Jiyong know that I was going to an after-party so they left without me.

As I was walking towards the exit I saw a familiar back, I was sure it was Jungkook so I walked up to him, "Jungkook!" I said as I patted his back and started walking beside him, he turned to me, "Y/N! We were wondering where you ran off to!" I only just then realised that he was walking with Yugyeom, who was on the other side of Jungkook. He turned to me and waved with a smile. So cute. I waved back.

"I was sat with my staff watching the performances, it's kind of hard cus I don't know anyone here, you know?" I replied to Jungkook as we all continued to walk to the exit.

"You're performance with GD was amazing by the way Y/N, don't you think Yug?" He said as he elbowed Yugyeom.

"Yeah, I told her when I saw her backstage." He said as we glanced at each other.

Jungkook looked at Yugyeom with a proud face, then turned to me and asked, "So Y/N, you're coming to the after-party right? Yugyeom invited you didn't he?"

"Oh, I forgot, I was gonna ask but I couldn't find her after we went on stage!" Yugyeom said.

"Haha it's ok, Jackson already asked me, and looks like I'm going."

We finally got outside the arena. Jackson saw me at the other end of the pavement and called me over.

"See you guys there!" I said as I ran to the taxi Jackson was stood by. I got in and started to make my way there.


"Haha it's ok, Jackson already asked me, and looks like I'm going." I was relieved when she said she was going, but was questioning why it was Jackson who had invited her. They seemed close even though they'd only seen each other once before. I couldn't help but think that maybe Jackson liked her?
Me and Jungkook got into separate cars and made our way to the club that the after party was being held at. I went with Bambam as he went with Jimin and V.

We arrived and the club was already full of people, idols and other stars.

"Yugyeom, I'm gonna go to the bar so quickly go sit on that sofa and save me a seat!" Bambam before he jogged off towards the bar.
"Alright, get me a drink though!" I replied as I ran to sit on the sofa. I played on my phone as I waited for him to return.
Jungkook arrived soon after and came to sit down while Bambam was still at the bar.
"Has Y/N arrived yet?" He asked as he looked around, scratching his leg.
"Don't think so, why?" I said while still playing on my phone.
"Cus! Don't you think she's cool? I' wanna be friends with her, if only she lived here."
"Yeah it's a bummer, right?" I locked my phone and turned to Jungkook,
"But I guess we can still be friends with her right, she's here now so I don't wanna waste that."
"That is true," He replied.

"Kookie get out ma seat!" Bambam joked as he joined us, 2 drinks in his hand.
"Haha no worries, I gotta go see where the rest of the boys have gone, see you guys later, probably!" He said as he walked off to find the other bts members.
Me and Bambam just sat, talking and drinking for a while.

"Oh look there's Lisa." I said to him.
Lisa was Bambam's childhood friend who he was recently reunited with, I could swear that he had a crush on her.
"Alright boy, and on that note, I'll see you later!" He said as he got up to go talk to her. My eyes followed him as I laughed to myself.
As my eyes drifted, I noticed Y/N, talking to Jackson...


Hey guys, so I'm sorry but because my chapters are getting kind of longer than before, I'm taking more time to write them cus I don't want them to be half-assed or anything. Hope you're enjoying the story so far and I hope to update soon! (Tonight or tomorrow.)

Also imma stop typing the chapter titles in caps cus it's starting to seem aggressive? Or is that just me?

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