Chapter Twenty Two√ Prank me

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"You can't prank a prank master "

Not an actual quote but whatever. 



I'm pretty sure some people exist just to annoy others. 

Right now Damien thought it'd be a good idea to prank me. Bella had mentioned that today,  this specific day was the bad boys favorite.  A day that they've created and bloomed on.

Prank Week. 

Each individuals are able to prank anyone and everyone.  The bad boys are the main leader of it, now I walked to school in a pink hair. I hate pink. Although I wasn't the only one with different shade of colored hair. There was Bella with blue because of her cousin who joined our school.

Bella and I grumble through class cussing anyone who thinks they could prank us anymore. I always loved a good prank but over time it out grew me.

When I made it to Damien's locker who I find him leaning against it with damn smirk plasterer on his adorable face.

Adorable my ass. 

"Really?  Pink hair "

My glare was set towards him and only him,  forgetting about everyone else. 

"Aww it suits you"

Others laughed. I don't find this hilarious, back then when I was me,  I used to love pranks,  hell I could be the prank master but I didn't want to participate for this week's prank week considering this week was and is important.  Out of all the day he could've prank me it had to be this week.

Kat would surly kill me after seeing my state. Still glaring at Damien and his friends but ones they noticed my glare they instantly quite down a bit.  Except Damien. If he though I was going to back down and not get my revenge.  Hell he was wrong.  Walking to him as we were a reach away I whisper faintly and calmly that only he could hear and understood my words. My promise revenge. 

"Laugh now Damien but tomorrow you'll want my forgiveness,  you have no idea who your dealing with when it comes to pranks"

He only laughs but I saw a dimmer of worries in his eyes. 

" bite me"

Smirking at him. 

"Oh don't worry I will but I warned you,  I bite hard"

With that I walked away from him fuming still but with a wicked thought for his prank. I hadn't want to participate in this prank week but since Damien brought out that part of me I would live up to my words of making his regret his decision. Walking away with a master plan in my mind. 


After school I went right away to my prank(s).  And yes pranks,  I was not going easy on him,  not after I've told him that I didn't want to be a part of the prank week but yet he ignored me.  Taking the supplies out of my attic I quickly left them in my closet. Now all I need is for him to stay in his house for a few hours but then ones he finishes and leaves the house I will operate on the other prank. 

Damien had arrive home around four,  knowing him he will probably be at a party.  I had my ways of finding out his whereabouts for today.

He comes home and stays there for a few minutes while getting ready for the party which will start around six.  When he gets picked up by Scott which I also planned on pranking for his participation with the prank given to me. I will prank his car and room. 

After waiting for a few more minuets and watching them leave I put my plan into action.  I went to his car and unlocked it using a spar key he kept around his bag but I have snatched earlier,  when I accidentally bumped into him. Unlocking his car I turned it on,  I had made sure that there weren't any witnesses. Turning his car on I placed his radio all the way up to its maximum,  while placing glitter in every one of his vents,  I made sure to pick the brightest of all. Ones I placed the glitter I picked out a small hidden camera and placed it in the corner. Then after the car I entered his house from his unlocked window. Stupid boy. Letting myself into his room I searched for his under pants and couldn't help but let out my laughter the moment I spotted his SpongeBob underwear. Placing gloves on I picked it up and placed it in a bag.  Then placing a small camera as well,  after that I went to his bed as took out a wrenched unscrewing the bed. Going to his shower I opened it up and placed on my special ingredients,  three bottles of glitters, and then replacing his toothpaste with mustard,  I added a camera in the bathroom but careful enough that it wouldn't show his whole body but only the upper part of his stomach.

After Damien house I went to Scott's room. And doing the exact same thing I had done with Damien.

Satisfied with this plan I called in a friend for a help for the next one. She arrives shortly.

"Beau I haven't seen you in forever"

She smiles at me then crushes me in her familiar hug.  Meet Beau Maxwell.  Short brown hair,  freckles and the an eye candy.  My partner in crime for the past seven years.  She's the one who's always been there for me and knew most of my secrets. 

"Glad I could see ones again,  I've missed you so much'

We drives to the party and looks for Scott car. Spotting his red Jeep Beau quickly got into his and had done the same exact thing I did for Damien,  Beau had to be the one to complete this since she's unfamiliar and sneaky like myself.  After the car Beau and I went to school.  This was the best part of my plan.  With money and lies I could easily get my way.  I guess money can be a good thing. 

Before we could enter the school I took out Scotts and Damien underwear and attached it to the pole,  raising it for everyone to see. 
We enter quietly and looked for their lockers. I pointed Beau to Scott which was two rows away from Damien.  Taking out the code from my phone I handed it to Beau after memorizing Damien's. 

Getting a hold of their locker codes were easy. I take out a bucket of glitter and placed it on the top of his locker attaching a light invisible like string to the door that would immediately pull on the bucket and tilting it over their heads. Then finally adding a camera to both locker. Beau smiles up at me and we high five,  after that we quickly got ready and changed into a party clothes but not before calling my twin at the party.  Aka my other friend who loved to prank.  She needed to be at the party in order for low suspicions.  As Beau drives I take out my computer and connect all the cameras that quickly and easily connected letting me see a full view of everything. 

With my prank in action and smile upon my face.  I was eager. 


Who's excited for the result???

Anyways who's this new character?

1229 words counted.

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