°Chapter Twenty seven° √ Fought Over

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"If you wanna know who's the true friend, screw up or then go through a challenging time and see who sticks around." ~ Karen Salmonsohn



I've only truly been to carnival two times. The first one was with my family, when everyone was present. The second time was after a few months of their funeral, when we tried to live life, only in the end, I ended up going home a wreck. After that I stopped going to carnivals due to the fact that I'd always thought of It as a pointless idea. But maybe now that I'd actually have people to go with I'd try to enjoy it.

The car ride was pretty eventful, we listened to Bella and Andy bicker, but in truths is, they liked each other. Bella and I have actually had this conversation with each other before. I thought her and Jason would go but I guess it was just a little dust of crush, then one day where she confessed of having feelings for Andy. Sure they bicker more then my brother and I but I could always see the way they looked at eachothed not an interest in conversing with the rest of us.

"you know it's okay to talk"

damien looks away from the road to look at me, he says nothing then turns his head. I roll my eyes, why bother coming if you weren't going to converse with anyone?.

"leave him be Dawn, he's just grouchy since he's date canceled on him which is pretty rare for him"

the thought of him being with someone sent an unfamiliar feeling through me but I set it aside. I covered the pang with a laugh.

"did she change her mind because of his face "

I asked Andy who was now being sent daggers through the rear view mirror from Damien.

"don't answer her question Andy or else."

Damien grumbles from his seat as Andy rubs his forhead from the bottle of water that Damien threw at him.

The ride continued on with Andy and Bella bickering, like usual, Damien grumbling and me just humming to tunes. Danny on his phone laughing at something. Damien drives for about ten minuets, due to the fact that my house was in the center of the town it took a little longer for us to drive there. Ones there everyone jumped out.

" oh hallelujah thank the lord we're here another minute with the bickering couples I would've pulled my hair out"

Bella glares at me then her attention averted to Andy who winked at her, causing her cheeks blush. The rest of group all piled out. Jason came towards to me right away as I turn my attention towards the carnival, it was surely alive, crowds of children laughing and eating, carnival games scattered the place. Over all the place looked exciting. I grabbed whoever's hand towards the entrance, taking out my purse I quickly paid for forty tickets which cost fifty dollars. Ones the ticket was in my hand I reached for who ever was the closes and ran, feeling like a little kid. I turn to whoever I pulled which was to my surprise Damien, I let it slide too excited for the carnival.

"lets go to get some food first "

I hear him chuckle but he made no move to pry my hand off, letting me take him to the food stand. My stomach grumbles at the site of all various of food. I turn to Damien after paying fo cotton candy as well as apple candy a bag of popcorn, some ice cream. I threw them in Damien's arms.

" holy shit Dawn you trying to get fat"

I glare up at him but my mood changes ones I tasted the sweet apple candy. Looking at Damien to see him already staring at me.


he reaches down, my eye brows arch as I felt him touch the corner of my mouth, guiding it back to his mouth.

"yum caramel"

My heart flutter at his action. But instead of making a fool of myself, I rolled my eyes and continued on walking away while munching on the cotton candy.

Damien and I had met with everyone ones we tried out some of the rides. I never would've believe myself If I said I actually enjoyed my time with Damien but I did. We laughed and smiled. I was sure that Damien had fun as well. Not only did we laughed and smiled but he and I both had managed to take a picture of one another. But of course our fun was soon cut short when we all met with everyone else.

" what did y'all do?"

Bella looks at me with a knowing look im which I rolled my eyes too.

"oh you know food and rides"

I shrugged as if it was nothing but fun, but in truths was it was a memory of me and Damien being civil, a day where he and I have manage to not tear each others throat. The moments we shared felt so special that it was meant just for him and I.

"what ride exactly huh?"

I walked up to Bella who gave me a smirk at the mention ride and pinched her.

"geez woman"

Everyone seems to busy to even pay attention to our conversation, everyone but Jacob. I turn to him to notice him staring at me a frown placed on his face, when he caught my eyes his frown turned into a smile which I knew was faked and forced. He walks up to me and grabs my arm grabbing everyone's attention.

"its my turn to hang with you"

Bella shakes her head, Damien like Jacob now had a frown on his face, glaring at Jacob's hand.

"okay okay where we hanging"

before he could reply my other arm was jerked back, looking at it I noticed that Damien's hand clutched my other arm, pulling me towards the other direction.

"I wasn't finished hanging out with her"

Both men glared at one another. I felt like being an object fought over by two little kids. My head went back to damien then Jacob. Clueless of what to do.

"you've already hung out with her, you cant hog her"

Jacob grits his teeth, before Damien could reply a new voice cuts in.

"sorry boys, but it was meant for girls day, so girls day we will have "

Thankful for Kymae who dragged me away from the two. I let out a sigh, hoping that I wouldn't be in the same situation next time. I look behind to see Danny taking a video and the two boys glaring at each other.


awe Jacob and Damien are fighting over Dawn.!!!

Ship name y'all, just comment down.

anyways not sure when the next chapter will be but stay tune for it Thank you.

1150 words counted.

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