Chapter Nine ✓ Red Wine and White Carpet

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"Girls fall in love with what they hear. Boys fall in love with what they see. That's why girls wear make up and boys lie." - teen post #4472



A few weeks I've been here, nothing has changed in which I greatly appreciated , I hated changes but the fact that I've gotten known by other people and it's terrifying the life out of me, you could say I'm terrified o meeting new people and getting to know them.

The life I was had, the past that haunts always seem to come back. Always seem to find a way to ruin the people I get close to.

I still get the nightmares and I hate it,

I hate every time I think of it,

I hate how I know it happened and it's not just a nightmare that I had somehow made up in my head but the fact that I've gone through it and I'm stilling living the burden because of it, knowing every details are still embedded in my head and I can't ever let it go. I sigh and looked out the window as I drank my tea, wishing I hadn't gone through hell. Wishing for my family to be while again, just wishing that I could turn back time to the good moments I shared with all of my family but sadly life doesn't always seem to be on your side.

Couple of minuets later I decided to change and head towards the mall, for I needed new wardrobe, I drove to the mall which only took a couple minuets, when I arrived I had found Bella there and her bubbly personality came in view.


She yells from across me, personally I do not know how she saw me but she did when she yelled my name across the mall everyone's head turned their attention towards her and I, she ran towards me and tackled me to the ground with force, like long lost friends finally saw each other.

I chuckled a bit.

"Girl didn't know you were in the mall"

She says we got up before we make a fool out of ourselves even though we've gotten their attentions. Clutching her bags in her arm Bella waited for my reply as I dust myself of.

"Yeah I needed new wardrobes"

"Well I'll come with you cause I too need new clothes"

She says but you could tell that she's already got her hands full.

With that we walked off, her arms attached to mine. I was never used to being touched--well not anymore that is, I've hated being touch the minuet I went through hell, but some how her touch wasn't bad or the fact that I actually like her touching me because of the somehow comfort she gives me, although I'm still afraid of bonding with new people but there will always be a slight part of me that wasn't afraid of that.

We made it to ten stores and bought as much as clothe as we could hold, but Bella seem to have more then I do. After a while when we had finished we both decided to bid our farewell, I was tired, I never liked shopping, it was always so boring and dull just looking and searching for a perfect and or cute outfits, I wasn't a tomboy nor a girly girl, I was actually both, I could wear boy shorts and beanies, but I could also wear dresses and heels, I liked to play video games but I also liked dressing up, and sports.

When I returned home the house was silent, I went to my room and dropped the new sets of clothes then I returned downstairs to find it still silent that is until I had gotten to the kitchen when I heard the chatters, I made my appearance and was surprised by who I saw.


He looked at me and I saw a ghost smirk plastered on his face as he looks me up and down, my face didn't change, it stayed completely mutual, I turned my attention to my aunt as she chatted away with a women, blond hair, dark green eyes and tan skin, she looked about twenty five or four, I put on a smile so my aunt wouldn't scowled me for being disrespectful.

"Well hello dear, this is Ms Elizabeth, our neighbor two house away"

Well great, I was already forced to attend the same school with an annoying bad boy and now I have to share the same neighborhood? What else ?

"That's great Kat, I'll be going on ahead to my room"

As I was about to walk away faith seems to hate me so much that it decided to stop me causing me to shudder of what my aunt request ,

Of what I was being told to do,

"Before you go mind showing Damien around"

My aunt was never one to be questioned when she asked you to do something for her, just by one look and there's no room for objecting, so with that I sigh and looked at Damien with his smug face,

"Love to".

During my tour with the douche bag all he ever done was stare at his phone, as I talk and talk of the place which I had given up considering his lack of paying attention was greatly showed as his eyes are glued to his phone. So in over all tour review.

The annoying bad boy has greatly escalated to my disliked category.

We walked back to our adults,where they had been chatting away like old friends or reunion I cleared my throat hoping to get their attention but nothing, so I did any best niece would do.


I yelled,scaring her and her friend, which caused them to drop the wine they've been holding, staining the carpet with red.

My aunt stared at me, and I could hear the snickering from beside me, it doesn't take a genius to know who that belonged to.

And it doesn't also take a genius to know what was about to happen to me.

Words counted- 1049

Hey hey, boring chapter know and I had to like re-rededited this chapter, so I hope y'all enjoy it .

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