°Chapter Thirty Eight°√ Family Tree

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°"A pretending friend has a deadlier smile then an enemies " °
~ Melinor




My back was killing me.

I open my eyes and took a look around my memory so fuzzy for a minuet. I tried to move but my hand was bound by something. Taking a few more seconds to get my mind clear I looked around again, I was in some kind of abandoned place, I wasn't sure what exactly though.

Last thing I remembered was hanging around with Scott and the rest of guys but that was as far as I could remeber.

The door to whatever this place was suddenly opened causing a stream of light to come through, squinting my eyes to look at the people. Two bulky men dragged other two with hoods on their faces, theyl dragged the figures  seems to be asleep.

I pretended to be asleep so they won't noticed me. Ones they've left I opened my eyes to see the figures they've brought in tied to a chair like me except their hoods were off as well.

Kat and Jason.

But why would they be here?, why was I here?.

Racking my brain with some kind of idea as to why we've been brought here and who only to come up with nothing.

The door suddenly opened and a figuere walks in with a smile upon his face. The face that I want to badly mess up.





That's what I've been doing all morning. Its been four hours and we haven't heard anything, to do anything.

The guys looked around for some kind of clue only to come up nothing. Which left me even more fraustraed.

As I pace once more my brain suddenly thought of something. Walking upstairs and grabbing my phone, I put the number in. This was the only way to find them, to find him and I was going to do whatever it took to get my family back. The phone rings two times until someone picked it up.


I stayed silent for a second until he said hello again.

"I need your help"


After talking to him and letting him know where I was I hung up and went back downstairs to find the guys everywhere, with worried expressions. It wasn't only them that was worried as well.

We waited for about an hour until we hear a doorbell. Everyone looked at me as I walked up to the door, opening it and revealing the guy who could help me. I looked at him closely , his brown hair now shortened from last time I've seen him, with his piercing gray eyes he looked into my own.

"Well look at you , haven't changed. "

The fact that I was willing to let him into my home shows how much I desperately needed his help. He was the only one that could find him and end him. We walked towards the living room and everyone stands up.

"Guys this is James, my uncle "

They each looked back and forth towards me and him.

"He's the only one that could possibly help us find him"

Scott pipes in after a brief moment of silence.

"How's he going to help us?"

I was ready to answer him until James answered for me.

"well you see Liam's my nephew"

The guys looked at me weird knowing that Kat was married to him. It was actually a complicated relationship.

"Okay seeing as you guys seem confused about this, you see Kat is married to him and he had a brother who had Liam , Kat is my moms Half sister that's why she doesn't have  the same last name"

It was actually quite complicated but we never cared much, she's been through with us from the begining. The guys nodded except Scott who seemed to be thinking a whole lot of the situation. Rolling my eyes we went back to the situation at hand which Danny seem to noticed we've gotten off track of.

"Okay so back to the main situation how's he going to help?" 

I looked back at James setting aside my hatred.

"Well first we have to contact his sister a-"

Andy cuts him off with a question.

"Wait he has a sister?"

I nodded ,

"Yup who's my brothers ex-fiancé"

gapping at me as their mouths dropped.

"Damn your family is a whole load of drama"

Everyone nodded which I wasnt completely disagreeing too. Scott chimes in with a question of his own.

"Wait you said ex-fiance?"

This wasn't my place to tell, true I already knew what went down but this was Jason's story to tell them, not mine.

"I'm sorry but its not my story to tell"

Nodding with understanding we continued on.

"Okay so Annabell knows everything about her brother, she kept tabs on him even in prison, now we just need to get in contact with her"

Thinking for ways to contact her which one only came up. Beau Maxwell.

"I can call Beau"

aka his daughter .

Before anyone could ask who Beau was I answered them right away .

"Beau's James Daughter who's my best friend from home "

They sigh, James was about to speak but Andy cuts him off.

"Wait so does that mean Kat has a daughter?"

This time I wasn't the one to answer.

"No she was my last wife's daughter but she died from cancer."

Nodded as we get to the subject ones more.

"Okay now that family tree is somehow explained I'll explain how we'll find them, I'll call beau and see if she could get here then she'll pull up something from there well work our way."

We continued to discuss until Beau arrived.

"Guys this is Beau"

Smiling she turned to the group and imediatly I see Scott eyes shine. They stared into each others eyes for a second, clearing my throat we worked on finding my family and Damien.

Deep in thought I hoped they were okay and after all this I'd finally be able to move on.


Awe Scott and Beau seems to have some sparks going on.

But we'll finally be able to see some actions.

Stay tune for more.

1036 words counted

Xoxo your Asian writer- 

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