Should I ??

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(Jasmin's POV )
I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing in my ear. I unplugged my phone from the charger and turned the alarm off I checked what time it was and it was 10:37. "Jasmin ! Wake up sweetie breakfast is ready" " Ok mom I'll be down there in a sec!" I yelled back as I got up and walked to the closet looking for something to wear after talking almost half of my clothes out I put on this lazy outfit

 "Jasmin ! Wake up sweetie breakfast is ready" " Ok mom I'll be down there in a sec!" I yelled back as I got up and walked to the closet looking for something to wear after talking almost half of my clothes out I put on this lazy outfit

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and went downstairs." Hey mom..good morning" " Hey good morning " She walked to the fridge and poured me a glass of orange juice "Thank you but I could have done that" I smiled at her and  took a drink then got my plate and sat down " Honey I have to go on a  business trip to North Dakota-" " And I get to go with you!" i said getting out of my sit and running around the house.  " Uhh not quite Im going alone sorry" " So I'm staying here alone..even better" I said sitting down again "  Nope your going to stay at Logans or Jakes you choose but I have to know by dinner so I can tell them.".  She got up and started washing the plates so I got up and set mine in the sink. " When would I be going over to LA?" " Tomorrow ..oh and start packing "   I thought it was next week or something but ok "  Ok I'll be in my room if you need anything".  I ran upstairs and packed but all I thought about was about LA and seeing Logan and Jake I haven't seen then since my birthday and what should they think about me uhh I just need to keep packing
°skip until you finished packing°
Once I finished I looked at phone and saw it was 2:18 I would have finished earlyer if I hadn't stopped every 10 minutes 😂 oh well I went back down to get a snack when my phone duzzed I saw I had a text from Logan

Logan🤡~ Hey mom told me you are coming to LA tmmw.

Jasmin😈~ Ya  can't wait to see you and Jake.

Logan🤡~ But mostly me😂 any way have you picked who you want to stay with?

Jasmin😈~ Sure😂 and no.

Logan🤡~ Well I think you should come stay with me I have more room and Jake is..well his Jake.

Jasmin😈~ Ok I'll tell mom I'm going to stay with you I have to go see you tmmw  i❤u

Logan🤡~ ok bye I❤u 2

" !?"  I looked to see if she was in the kitchen but she want..she must have gone to the store I got some chips and sat on the couch and put on Netflix I was going threw the shows and movies seeing if I saw something good then I saw Mulan so I clicked on it half way on the movie mom came home so I helped her with the groceries. " Thank You Jasmin"  "Your welcome..what are you making for dinner?"  I said looking threw the bags
" I'm making tacos or should I make something else?". " No I love tacos "
I said with a giggle " Oh and I picked to stay over Logans "  " Did he text you?" " Ya why?"  I walked up to her and handed her the milk and went to grab more things out the bag "  I thought he would after I told him about him I saw the smirk from the other side if the phone"   we both started laughing "  Oh mom can I go over Jessica's I'll be back for dinner I just want to tell her good bye?". " Sure but make sure to back before dinner"    I changed in to shorts and a gray shirt and but my slides and walked out the door to Jessica's house that was just three houses down..I knocked on there door and her mom answered
"Hi Jasmin how are you?" She asked as she let me in " I'm good and You Diana?" " Great thank you Jessica is up in her room" " Thank you "  I ran up to her room and opened the door running to Jessica and jumped on her making us fall " Jaz!! you scared me " She said getting up "Really ~Jessy~ Jaz? You couldn't get a better nickname " I said laughing at her.
" Rude and no I like can calle Jessy if you want idk " I looked at her sad " Uhh Jessica I'm going to LA but I dont know for how long.". " Sure stop playing" she hit my arm playfuly " I'm not playing I'm leaving tomorrow" " Oh but what about school?"   thats right I still had school even tho we do need 2 more weeks untike we go back.
" Idk but I'm going to miss you so much " " I'm going to miss you too" we hugged and after we just talked and watched some t.v until it was time to go home I walked back and went in side " Mom I'm back!" "  Ok dinner will be ready in a little so wash your hands" " Ok"   I walked to the bathroom and washed my hands and sat at the table were my plate was set.
" So I'm going to be over there for 3 mouths I'm sorry." " Its fine mom but what about school?" " I was thinking of outing you in home schooling"  she looked up at me waiting for my answer.
" Ya I'm fine with that " I smiled at her
" Ok and your flight is at 6 so get some sleep after your done we have to wake up at 5 "  " Ok "    I finished eating so I went up to my room changed to a comfy shirt I only sleep with my underwear bc sometimes it gets hot ( don't judge me 😂) I brushed my teeth..I plugged my phone in the charger and set an alarm for tomorrow and went to sleep

Hey hope you guys liked it Vote and comment for more !!❤❤❤

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