Dinner with the Family

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      Still Jasmin's POV💁🏽
After about 2 hours ever one had finished getting ready and Jake and my dad had come over and now where in the car jamming to some songs until we reach the restaurant

" We're here" Dad said as he turned off the car making the radio stop, I looked over to the restaurant it was pretty fancy and expansive looking " Damn" I said we walked in and it looked even better from the inside
" Come one your getting left behind " Jake said turning to me

We all ordered I ordered some thing I couldn't pronounce but I just looked at the pics and found the one that looked best to me
" So I was thinking...Jasmin should have her own YouTube channel" Logan said " Well...you know no one knows about Jasmin and what is she gets hate or-
" Dad relax " I said cutting him off  " But Logan dads right we don't know what can happen,
you have seen the things that have happened to us" Jake said 
" But we can help her out Jakie"
" Actually I would love to have a YouTube account" I said they all looks at each other Logan giving them a face saying " Please" a few moments later Dad gave in
" Well all right but ...you guys can't say she's you sister just yet got it " He said looking at us
" Promise" we all agreed

After dinner we all went back to Logans house except for Jake he had to go back home something I do with the guys breaking some things " So honey how ate you doing here?" mom asked me " Oh great I love hanging with the guys" I said smiling " And your Also dating Zach right" I head my dad say as he walked in the roon
" Oh..ya sorry I didn't say"   " Its fine...but what about when we leave back to Ohio?" ...after hearing those words my heart dropped she's right " I didn't think about that but that's not until another month" I said " No its in 2 weeks " she told me
" Wait...what" sh!t that's right I have been having to much fun that 3 months are almost over
" Do are you going back? or staying" I asked " I'm staying until we both gave to go back "
she said ...I don't want to leave I won't be able to see Zach every day and we will have time difference and we might not have time for each other him with his music and me with school

                Zach's POV
" Guys I need help telling Jasmin" I said in frustration. " Ugh you still haven't told her" Daniel said
" Zach you have to tell her soon"
Jonah added " I know but I will I tell her I can't be with her..."

HOLD ON ZACH!!!WHAT!!! OOOOO BDHEHEKSH so hey guys it me liz- what no hey peeps its me...how are you guys sorry for disappearing but I'm here now sorry for the cliffhanger but I love them and so do you guys until next time  i love you allPEACE💜💜💜✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽

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