Unknown person

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((Daniels POV))
Jasmin and Zach cuddling while watching a movie they would make a cute couple and there the perfect age too ..I was looking at them a but longer when Zach cought me staring and said " May I help you Daniel?" " Oh ya sorry ..Jasmin Logan is here to pick you up" I said " Oh ok thank you" she said getting up " Bye Daniel bye Zach I'll see you tomorrow " she waved and left
" So are you guys a thing now " I said wiggleing my eye brow ...Zach just smiled and threw a pillow at me " Daniel I just met her " " Well when you look at her it's like your eyes they just have a shine to them" I said also thinking about Mari *the girl he likes remember* " Its sounds like your the one thats in love Daniel" Zach said " Hmm maybe " " Who is it maybe I can help you" Zach said sitting up straight.
" You dont have much luck either Zach you cant even tell Jasmin you like her " I said giving him a really look " Fine but it's just kinda hard " " Ya ...sense when did we become girls " I said laughing " You started it with your cheesey sh!t " Zach laughed

((Jack's POV))
*I have to tell Jasmin I like her before she falls for Jonah * I walked to Daniels room because I know he has her phone number. " Hey Daniel I'm coming in" I said opening the door " Ya?" Daniel said " Do you have Jasmins number ?" I asked " Ya but I'm not giving it to you"
" What why?!" I said with a confused look " Really did you for get what you guys did to her "
" Oh ya sorry nvm" I walked put his room and thought more
" Jack!" Some one yelled " Huh what?" "I was asking you if you wanted KFC" *if you dont like KFC I'm sorry but its amazing *
" Ya sure thanks " " Ya np" Daniel said closing my door *I still dont know how to get her number maybe I should just ask her for it...really Jack she wouldn't just give it to you * some one knocked my door and walked in " Jack hey I'm sorry I dont want to keep fighting " Jonah said closeing the door behind him. " Ya your my best friend and I don't like it when where like this" I said felling guilty at the same time " We can't control who we like " Jonah said scratching the back of this head " True let's just not fight over her let her choose who she likes maybe it's not even one if us" I chuckled

((Jasmins POV))
"Jasmin we need to talk " Logan said locking the door " What about ?" I said kicking off my shoes and jumped on the couch
" About you and the boys" " Ok what about them?" I asked " I don't think you should hang out with them anymore" " Excuse you!" I kinda yelled " Its just that you spend to much time with them!" " Because you not here all the time!" " I dont care if I say no it's no!" He yelled back "You can't tell me what to do Logan!! I'm not a little girl anymore!!" I yelled at him
"Your my little sister thats why I can't have you hanging with the boys all the time!" he said with anger in his eyes. " Fine have it your way but I'm going with Jake tomorrow " I said and ran to my room slamming the door behind me * Ugh why is he like that he was so nice with me hanging out with them now he hates it ! * I sat on my bed when I got a text from an unknown number

??: Hey

Jasmin: Ugh I think you have the wrong number

??: No I'm sure your Jasmin Paul

Jasmin: Ok and you are?

??: Can't say now but you will know one day but it's getting late Gn beautiful

Jasmin: Ok Gn

I know texting some one I dont know is bad but I feel like I might know this person and he was right it is late I pluged my phone and put an alarm so I can leave to Jakes early when I fell asleep

~Moring ~
My alarm went off playing foreign by Trey Songz. I got changed then I got my bags and walked out to my uber I called and drive to Jakes new house

??: Hey Gm beautiful

Jasmin: Oh hey Gm can you tell me who you are now please

??: Fine I'm....

Ndhdb kdkdb cliff hanger love them any way sorry for not updating like i said I would I can only update once or twice a week like Tuesdays and Saterdays if that's fine any love you guyss thanks for all thw reads and birthday wishes ❤❤❤😭😭

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