last day

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   💀Its still Jasmin's POV💀
The next morning we all didn't wake up until it was around 12 so after that we got ready to get some breakfast and have some more fun before we leave " I Dont want to leave its so much fun here!" Christina said getting cloths from her bag " Same..but I'm kinda do want to go" I said thinking about the guys last night. " Jasmin You almost done?" Jonah said " Ya but glasses or no glasses?" I said picking my glasses and contacts
" Glasses you look so cute"  Zach said " I look like a nerd " " You dont look anything like a nerd " Zach said and gave me a kiss on my cheek " Thanks Zach" I said and put them on
*time skip to them after they ate*
" Now Rides!" The guys said running around catching other peoples attention " Guys! We just ate and stop doing that" I said
" Nope " Jack said " Bye" Christina said taking my hand and walking away to a gift shop
" Why are we here?" I asked
" Well I don't think you like rides much and I wanted to get some things bc I don't think I will ever come back " she said looking around " True " I said and looked around to  " Aww look its you and Zach " Christina said showing me a mini and Micky mouse holding hands and Micky giving her a kiss on the check
" Christina its you and Corbyn" I said wiggling my eyebrow
" You ruined it" she said laughing
" I just make it better " I said smiling " I'm still getting it "  she said " Ok" I said " Jasmin princess"...  why I was having a great time.. " What Cody!" I said rolling my eyes " Nothing I'm going to miss you I know its your last day" he said " Ok bye " I said walking away " Nope not yet I want a good bye kiss" he said and grabbed me around my waist
" No " I said pushing away
" Hey leave her alone " Daniel said pulling him off. " F*ck " he said and left " Who was that?" Daniel asked " ..My ex " I said
" If Zach was wouldn't be going so well"  " Ya thank you Danny ...can we not tell Zach at lest not yet please" I said " Sure I'll give you some time " he said.
"Any way where ready to leave and you guys " " Ya let me pay for this and get Christina " I said " I'll look for her" Daniel said
* We met up with the rest of the guys and walked to our hotel room for our bags *
" So ready to leave " I said getting in the car " Why you didn't like it?" The guys asked except Daniel " No I loved it but kinda home sick.." I said with a smile holding they would believe me " Oh same that's how we feel while being one tour " Jack said " Yup but at lest we have each other and make the most of it " Jonah said
" Maybe we can come back again but just the two of us" Zach said winking " Ooo you nasty boiii" Daniel said "  Noo..n-not like that!" He said and turned away as his cute ears turned red
" Sure" I said smiling

Hey ...I'm sorry please Dont be mad I didn't update in almost 10 years but I'm sorry!!! I love you all PEACE✌🏽✌🏽💜✌🏽💜💜

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