Are you stupid! 《END》

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Jake's POV
I have tried calling Logan a bunch of time, because I want to be the one who tell him along with mom and dad so they don't find out by t.v "Sh!t..pick up Logan " I hung up the phone can called mom again " Hey sweetie " I heard her voice after trying almost 28 times "Mom...jasminshe'ssmissingIcan'tfineher !!" I said a little to fast
" Slow down hun" "Jasmim is missing they kidnapped her...i tried calling you dad and Logan but nun picked up your the first" my voice shook as I told her what had happened

The other line was quite until I heard snobbing " Ok honey where are you at?" She said trying to sound calm ..i told her where I was she said she would try and contact Logan and my dad "I'll tell you if they answer ok, just stay calm I know it's hard but it's the best thing right now stay with the police officers and tell them everything about Jasmin I love you Jake " she said crying almost unable to make out what she was saying " I love you to mom" I replied

It's been 3 months and yet no sign of my little sister, I want to stay positive but maybe it's over and she won't come back the guys are slowly getting better but Zach is still the worst one of them all we are back at the station talking to the cops about any updates on Jasmin's situation..just when
"Sir we have something " a man walked in and behind him was the man who took my sister " Where is she!" I ran up to him "Calm down " the police said making sure I didn't do anything stupid "She's in the hospital but this time we are not to sure if she will make it " another cop said

After I told my family and the guys we all ran to the hospital "Doctor my sister..Her name is Jasmin is she here!" I said out of breath "She is but I'm afraid your to late..I'm sorry" he said and walked off

Zach's POV
I ran off I couldn't even face Jasmin, I cant just say goodbye like this I cant
" Stop, come back" I heard Jack and Daniel call for me but I couldn't I kept running

It's the day of her funeral I love her so much I wanted to be with her, why did it turn out this way but I know what she won't be sad anymore..I just wish I could go back to the first day i met her, when we visited Logan and how she she was or when we stayed up watching,movies, singing I want to tell her one last time that "I love you Jasmin with all my heart "


I had no idea how to end this story and I'm sorry if it's not the ending you wanted but i was just bullshitting the ending I had half of this done for like months but I didn't feel like writing and I also finished it bc I'm not really feeling Why dont we any more I guess I'm just growing out of them but I still support them just not like before hope you guys understand but I do love them and this fandom...So I love you all PEACE!!💜💜


1.14.19 Update

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