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🤐Jacks POV🤐
"Zach!" I said as I saw him kiss her cheek I felt hurt but I heard Logan with Brandon out side so I Dont want him to find out and not let Jasmin come see us again "Logans here ok I dont want you to get caught " I said and looked away

❤Jasmin's POV ❤
"Jack im-". But be for I could finish Logan came in yelling
" My boys!..look I'm sorry for last time guys " Logan said " It's cool we forgive you" they all said back " Jasmin let's go Brandon is out said and we have to show you something F-ing Awesome!!!" He yelled " Ok bye guys " I said and walked to the car with Logan
"Hey Brandon ". I said " Hey have you told her " Brandon said Turing on the camera for the vloge I'm guessing " Shhh Brandon" he said " Ok guys Jasmin has not seen what these amazing people have done to your back yard so were going to show her " Logan said then Brandon turned off the camera
" What is it ?" I asked " Wait ok" Logan said " Fine "
~At home ~
I stared running to the back then Logan stopped me " Hold it young lady" he said as he covered my eyes with his hands
" Ok walk straight ...wait here Dont open them " he said and ran to Brandon " Now open them". I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful pond " Omg then did you guys do this" I said walking over the bridge " My friend brought people over and did it this morning cool huh oh we have a new pet to " he walked over and pulled this turtle liking thing out of the water " This is pancake". " Eww its ugly looking" I said making a face " Its not ugly its beautiful" Logan said
" Brandon is this ugly" he said showing it to the camera " Ugh kinda " he said " Fu*k you guys" Logan said laughing after that Logan walked off with Brandon to shoot more of his vloge and I stayed out said for a while
BUZZ BUZZ i pulled out my phone and had a message from the mystery guy

M guy🤔~ Hey we haven't talked in a long time

Jasmin😊~Ya how are you bc ik you know how I'm doing

M guy🤔~Good but not knowing you might have something with Zach..


M guy🤔~ Princess if you haven't noticed I'm one of the guys but at lest you know I'm not Zach..

Jasmin😊~ Wait please tell me

M guy🤔~ I can't yet sorry I love you I really do and seeing you with him hurts me but I want you to he happy but I'll see you later beautiful💜

Jasmin😊~ I'll see you later

Jonah..Jack..Daniel..Cobryn..?? But it can't be those two they all ready like some one or have a girlfriend... So Jack and Jonah I changed the name to J❤ and not M guy🤔

Jasmin😊~ I think I might know who you are

J❤~ it shouldn't be that hard there's only two guys that you can think of good night ❤

Jasmin😊~ Ya gn

"Jasmin! Get in said it's getting drank and it's cold" Lydia said
" Ya I'm coming "

I finished taking a shower I turned on my t.v and put on YouTube and played the guys songs as I looked for cloths
*What is Alex up to he hasn't texted it done anything in almost a week I would be fine with him being out of my life but ik he won't leave so easy* " Jasmin can I come in" Logan said " Hold up" I said putting on my over sized shirt " Ok come in" " Hey so I'm going to leave for a week with Brandon, Lydia, Evan and manager Jeff for business". " Ok you want me to go to Jakes or stay here?" I asked " Jake is not home rather and he won't be for another week so..ugh I asked the guys and they said ya or you can just stay here but I Dont want you staying by your self Ayla will take care of Kong and Maverick "
" Ok I'll go with the guys ".
* Yesss I can hang out with Zach*
" Wow why so excited to see Zach huh " he said smirking " Shit I said that out loud but its nun of you businesse ". I said " Ok its in 2 days but good night little sis " he said kissing my forehead and left.... i watched YouTube videos until I fell asleep

Hey hope you guys are having a great day/afternoon/ night I love you guys so much and its fun talking to you guys to love you guys PEACE💜💜✌🏽

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