Maybe she changed?

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🍓Jasmin's POV🍓
The whle ride back to Logans I couldn't stop thinking why she's back...but we haven't seen her for almost 3 months so..maybe she did change,people change after time but I will still keep an eye out

" Why so quite Jaz" Logan said pulling me out if my thoughts
" Oh just thing..that's all" I said unlocking my phone and going on Snapchat " Well if there's anything you can always tell me..oh and we have a surprise for you to!" he said all excited
" What is it? I asked impatient
" Its a surprise Jasmin" he said making a face which made me smile a little " know my 16 birthday is coming up" I told Logan smiling knowing I'm 2 years closer to being 18 " As if your turing 13 ". " What you idiot ! " I said looking at him stupidly " I'm playing but your my only baby sister and your getting old " Logan said as be looked at me with sad eyes " Shut up remember Jake I thought he was you sister to". " Ya but you my favorite" I rolled my eyes at him which made him chuckle

" Brandon!!!! Evan!! " Logan yelled as he entered the house
" Logan why can't you be quite for once" I said pushing past him "Bc I'm a Volgger its in my blood!!" he yelled louder
" Wait...what made a YouTube channel" he asked make a smirking face and wiggled his eyebrows " Ugh..I dont know to much drama" I said half way upstairs " Think about it !" Logan yelled once again

I have been on my phone with the t.v on bc I have to have some background noise

(Idk if you guys do this but I'm doing it right now while writing this 😂)

" Man I haven't heard from J in a long time..." I said to myself as I went on my messages...I checked and it has been almost a month with out him texting me...maybe I should text him

Jasmin~Hey J haven't talked in a long time what's up?

Jasmin ~ So busy..

Jasmin ~ Ok then just text me when you can
delivered at 5:32

ok so maybe not hope his fine though...but right now all I have on my mind is Alex, my stupid ex and Lucy...I want them out of my life * Buzz Buzz* my phone shaped me out if my thoughts as I checked who texted me I got a call it was privet and I have seen to many horror movies I declined it

j~ Sorry princess I was taking a shower

Jamsin~ Oh it's fine how are you

J~ Good you know me remember

Jasmin~ Ya I know...Oh and I do know who you are bc your know I Dont have to tell you

J~ Maybe I do maybe I dont but I'm happy your with Zach he really loves you I Dont know if he told you that though

Jasmin~ I can tell he does he doesn't need to tell me that any way I'm tired I'll talk to you soon J bye✌🏽

J~ Bye✌🏽

I Changed in to a over sized
T-shirt and took my pants off since it was up to my knees I locked the door because I live with Logan for the love of god
I put on some music on my speaker but not to loud , I set it on the night stand and got under my covers and drifted off to sleep for a little nap

" Jasmin!..Baby wake up" I felt some on kiss my check and then my head " No" I said turing the other way " Please I want you see your cute face" I head them say again before they kissed my lips this does not feel right
" Stop dont touch me !" I pulled him off " Baby what's with you" I hard him say , But why can't I see anything " Why can't I see anything " I said panicking " Oh that's bc I dont want you knowing where were going Jasmin" he said I know I can't see but some how I know he was smirking " ..Johnny?.." " Yes beautiful" he said touching my check with his hand as he rubbed his thumb agents it

Ohhh is this a dream or is it real?? what do you guys think any whooo I love you guys PEACE💜✌🏽✌🏽💜

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