Lucy who?! (thats her on top)

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"Hey Jake "  I turned around a saw a girl walk up to Jake and kiss him..* ig  that's his wife * " "Oh who's this" she said looking at me with a smile " Hey I'm Jasmin his sister". "Jake why didn't you tell me you had a sister.. Oh I'm Erika nice to meet you " she pulled me into a hug before I could say anything back.
"So now that you met my sister I was thinking we would go and get lunch together  what do you say?" Jake asked us. Erika looked at me and I nodded yes " Ya where do you want to go Jasmin ? " " Uh how about this pizza place I saw it when I was coming over here with the wdw boys".  " Sure if that's where you want to go " Jake said grabbing his keys and walking to the door..when we got the the pizza place we saw people making pizza and throwing the dough in the air then catching it and doing it again " What kind of pizza do you want Jasmin wher getting the pizza in three parts"  (like a pie chart if you Dont know what the is go on Google ) Erika asked "Can I get pineapple on it"  (sorry if you don't like pineapple just amagine it bing your favorite) Ok can we get pineapple on one side and Pepperoni in the other and what would you like babe?". He asked Erika " I'll get cheese ig "  we got drinks and went to sit a a table " Erika how long have you and Jake been together " For  5 months" (let's just say that) " Aww you guys are so cute " I said making a pouty face " Thanks baby sis how was it with mom over there are they treating you right ?". " Ya everything is good just wished you and Logan visited more often "  " Ya ik where sorry we can sometimes we get stuck with work."  I know they are but I only get to see them three times a year maybe  five if I'm lucky " Ya ik you guys are but I sometimes miss you guys and the times are different so I can't call you much and then I have when I'm 18 I'm moving over here " I said with a smile and Jake smiled back " Hope you won't live to far from us "   " Here is your pizza sir " Said the man  placing the pizza down " Be careful its hot". " "Thank you "  we all said..we waited a few minutes before eating we didn't want to burn our tongues " Ok I think it's good to eat now ". Jake said talking a slice " Ok then " I said grabbing a slice and immediately bitting it " Slow down we don't want you choking"  " Its just I'm so good " I said with pizza in my mouth. " It is, I cant believe I never been here here" Erika waipped her much with a napkin.  After we finished eating it was around 6 when we got back I texted Logan telling him I was at Jake's so he could pick me up " Jake Ok bye little sis I will visit you over Logan's " Ok see you later Jake " we hugged and I left out and into Logan's car " Hey did you have fun?" " Ya we had pizza we had some left over so I got you some"  I said opening the box as he got a slice and put it in his mouth " Mmmm so good " " I know right "   he finished it and got another " Logan can I go over the boys house tmmw? "  I asked as we pulled up to the front of his apartment "  Hey cant you be a normal girl and want to go with Ayla to get there nails done" What do you mean I am normal there my friends Logan so stop being jealous " I laughed " Uhh fine but be home by 3 I want to spend sometime with you too."  We got in his apartment and and watched t.v when u got a text from Daniel

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