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😘Jonah's POV😘
I was looking over at Daniel and Jasmin they where laughing and Jasmin would put her head on his shoulder ...I wish I was that close with her but..I'm not
" Jonah man you lost" Zach said
" Huh what?" Oh right I was playing COD with him and jack
" Sorry spaced out" I said restarting the game " So you want to start now" I over heard Daniel talking to Jasmin over the paino lesson I was guessing
" Sure" she said " Ok let's go up to my room the guys are being to loud" I looked at them as they walked away " On your left Jonah...Jonah!" Jack yelled as he nuged my arm " Ya I got him" I said shooting the guy passing to the next section but she was still on my mind..

💕Daniels POV💕
Jasmin and I where missing around with the piano after I showed her that the keys where called " Ok maybe if I did this it will sound like a song " she said
" No it doesn't " I said " Fine what ever" she rolled her eyes and smiled my phone started buzzing and it was Mari

Mari😍~ Hey want to hang out tmmw?

Danny😚~ Sure I'd love to my house at 2?


Danny😚~(address). See you tmmw❤


"Ooo Danny's all smiley" I said wiggling my eyebrows " Shhh your so stupid ..but what about you and Zach huh" he said with a smirk which made me look down and smile "Ya what ever I'm going back out with the guys " I said getting up and walking out the room " Jack kill him !" I heard Zach yell " Man still your going to get blind like me " I said sitting down next to jack " She's right I'm tired my eyes hurt " jack said laying down and putting his head on my lap " Ugh what you doing " I said poking his face
" Laying down just let me "
" Fine" I said   ( I would die if he did this dbhd😍🤣 who eles)
Megan and Corbyn went out to eat so I'm just bored and hungry " Hey I'm hungry " I said to jack as I touched His hair " Same"
" Jonah Zach you guys hungry " I asked " Ya should make us something " Jonah said with a smile " Ugh I would but really know how to cook but I'll try " I said " What do you guys want"
" TACOSSS!!" they all yelled
" OK" I yelled back and walked to the kitchen and gathered all the ingredients I would need but I couldn't reach the salt so I grabbed a chair and stood on it and reached for the salt " Hey-wow what are you doing?". Jonah asked " I couldn't reach the salt" I said still trying to grab it " Here " he reached over me on his tippy toes and handed me the salt
" Thanks" I said " Np  beautiful " he said pinching my cheek which madee smile and blush a little making me look down " Aww your blushing that a first..Dont hide it " he said lifting my chin up

            🦄Zach's POV🦄
I was walking passed the kitchen when I heard Jonah talking to Jasmin " Np  beautiful" Jonah said to her "Aww your blushing that a first..Dont hide it" he said to her *that's it I Dont want him flirting with her*  I walked out from the corner and saw then looking at each other she was on the chair so it was a perfect night for then to kiss ..ya that's not happening
" Hey Jasmin I need your help" I said which made them jump a little " Oh ya sure thanks Jonah " she said as she was about to get off the chair
" No let me give you a piggy back ride " I said " What?..I'm not 6 " she said smiling but I could tell she wanted on so I grabbed her and put her on my back and walked out leaving Jonah looking at us " Zach ok..ok put me down" she said laughing as we went up the staircase " Why your having fun and so am I " I said and spinned her around " Zach I'm going to fall " we both where laughing but I tried over my foot which made us fall I closed my eyes ...when I opened then I was on top of Jasmin " See I told you" Jasmin said smiling  I was looking at her " Hello you good bro?" She asked I looked at her lips and then it happened I kissed her

(jk hahaha got youuuu😂)

I stood up and helped her up
" Sorry" I said " Nah I knew it tho" she said that's it I had to tell her or she will be taken from me " Jasmin...I.can't take it when you with Daniel Jack or Jonah especially him " I said as I pulled her to me and looked at her lips again  " And that's because..I like you " I said and kissed her the girl I dream about and wanted to kiss I finally am..

Bdjdj omg finally you thought they weren't going to kiss haha soo should them them together or not???!!! I love you guys PEACE✌🏼💜💜

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