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            🖤Jasmin's POV🖤

When Zach handed me a envelope " What's this ?" I asked " Its from all over us but I think you already know what it is" he said ...Disneyland?!..  I opened it and yup " Disneyland ticket! even the ticket is cute" I said " Thank you guys so much " I said and gave them all hugs " Your welcome " they said " But we leave in an hour so get ready we get to see more if we leave early" Daniel said  " Daniel where staying two days " Jack said " Ya but its really big I Dont think two days will be enough" Corbyn said
" Exactly that's why where leaving early " he said...we cleaned up the raping paper and got ready to leave the guys said they would stop at McDonald's and get some breakfast ...we have been driving for an hour I think and the whole ride here the guys have been playing songs singing or playing on the Xbox in the back" Were here" Corbyn said  I looked out my window and omg it was my childhood in one place

//I have never been to Disneyland so sorry I Dont know much 😂//

" Hurry Corbyn park the car" I said "Chill it's full" He said " Fine stop the car" I said opening the door and unbuckling my self (kids Dont do this) " Come on Zach" I said " Wait the car is still moving " he said " Jasmin Dont!" Corbyn said but to late I had already jumped out " See I'm fine" I said they stopped the car and Zach got out "Your stupid you could have gotten hurt". "Aww thank you for caring Zach" I said we passed security and waited for the guys by the pond
" Hey what took you guys so long" Zach asked " We ran in to some fans and then security had to check us and why are fans where around us " Jack said
" There are so many people" I said " Want to hold my hand?" Zach asked looking at me smiling with his red checks going up to his ear's " Sure" I said and took his hand in to mine **My face burned up once I saw the guys smirking at us but hey I am holding hands with Zach Herron and girl would die rn if they where in my spot** "Here" Zach said Handing me mini mouse ears " Oh thanks " I said and put them on and he had a pair for him and the guys but Zach stood out most of all for me at lest
" You look cute Zach " I said with out thinking **Sh!t did I really just say that** "Thank you, you look adorable" he said " Ok you guys keep talking like that we might just leave you to " Daniel said **way to ruin the mood Danny**  " Sorry where is Christina?" I asked looking at Corbyn " Shes waiting by the castle" he said " Then let's go" I said pulling Zach since we are still holding hands " Jasmin!" Christina said " You look cute" I told her she was wearing mini mouse ear with a cute black shirt and red skirt "thank you so do you" she said "Wow Zach you asked her already?" Christina said looking at mine and Zach's hands " Asked what?". Zach looked at me in the eyes and said " Jasmin-

Hahahah not until next chapter but I think you all know what it is but omg 19k reads are you good bro (yes ) or (no) ?? Circle one   but I love you all PEACE💜✌🏽💜💜✌🏽

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