Please tell me you like me to

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❤️Jasmin's POV❤️
LOGAN!! What the fuck did Jake tell him? " Jasmin where leaving now!" He yelled at me and pulled me by the arm " Logan stop it hurts please " I trying getting his hand of mine " No you disobeyed me after I told you not to and then i find here!" He said pulling my hand harder " Logan your hurting her" Daniel said running to me " Stay out of this Daniel!" Logan said as we talked away..I turned around and mouthed
" Sorry" Daniel shook his head and mouthed back " Its not your fault " we got in the yeti, it was quite for a minute until Logan spoke " Why? After I told you and trusted you" he said still looking at the road " Because their my friends and there is nothing wrong with seeing them" I said looking out the window seeing the cars pass by " They hurt you physical and mentally " he said angerly as he gripped the steering wheel and his nickels turned white. " Sorry its just back home you knew I didn't have friends " I said " Ya in sorry to for hurting you ". [I guess you could say back home when I was in school I was bullied and I cut then they found out do they put me in home schooling and I stopped cutting im a year free and Logan was the one who took it harder then the rest that's why he wants to keep me safe and never wants me to cut again ] " Its fine ik you did not mean it " I said as I smiled at him " Your my little sister and I can't bare the feeling of you getting hurt" Logan said looking back at me " I won't I have grown a little more ad I won't let stupid things fine to my head" I said " How about we drop she subject you can go over the boys house but please let me know I was worried "   " Ya I will sorry".... We got to Jakes place so I could get some of my cloths back we stayed for a while talking and playing games " We have to go baby sis its late". Logan said getting up and putting his maverick hoodie back on " Ok bye Jaky well see you later and the rest of you guys too"  I said
~At home ~
" THAS MAH BOIIS!!" LOGAN yells at Kong and Brandon
" Where's dwarf mamba?" Logan said with a stupid look
" I'm right here!" Evan said looking up at him " How did you not see me but see kong!"  He said " Hey Evan Evan I love you bro!" Logan said " I love you to man ".  I looked at them weird
" Ok in going outside but first in talking one if your hoodies " I said running up to logans room..I was looking for a hoodie when my phone buzzed

?: Hey it's been a while how are you?

Jasmin💜: Ya in good and you?

?: Good but hows your arm?

Jasmin💜: it's did you know

?: I'm sorry I have to go goodnight princess❤️

Ugh why can't he just tell me ..I grabbed a hoodie and ran out to the back yard and sat on the char looking at the stars " Why is Alex back he never cared about me he was always out of them house smoking and drinking with his night he was drunk and almost raped me but that was two years ago...still doesn't mean he changed.." I thought to my self  " Jasmin." I head a sweet voice behind me " Baby I'm sorry" I liked back but did not see any one..what's with me
" Princess please forgive me"...
" A..Alex come out.. ". I said looking at the bush " Hey princess " he said " How did you get in Logan has security cameras".  I said getting up
" Jasmin I have changed " he said walking to me trying to give me a hug " Fuck you I know you haven't " .." Watch your month bitch " Alex said angrily  " Leave asshole !!".  " You whore " he walked to me and slapped me ..I stood there and thought about what Logan said " Aww are you young to cry like you alway do"    " Fuck you leave me alone " I punched him in between his top lip and nose. " Jasmin you ok?". Brandon called out " Ya in fine " I looked back to Alex but he was gone ..I walked back in " Jasmin you hungry I ordered pizza and some chines food ". Logan said
" No not really I said ".  " Come one I know- what's on your face your bleeding! Help!! Lydia!!
" LOGAN im fine I fell trying to get up and my leg was asleep" I said  " You sure?!".   " Yes in going to my room ". 

Hsjdbdhd Alexxxxx nooooo HAPPY LATE HALLOWEEN sorry more like really really late huh but dont forget to vote and comment if you like it Love you guys 💜 PEACE✌️🏽

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