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((Jasmine POV ))

I sat next to Zach " Hey you good" he asked worried " Ya I'm good why are you not over there hanging out with her ?" I said making her stand out in disgust.( ok if you know the girl in the pic or your name is Lucy I'm sorry but it's just a story.) She just seem like a bad influence and gives ne this bad vive." " Same when did you guys meet her?"  I asked lookjng at her and Jack laughing at something on the t.v
" Today like 4 hours ago we where walking to get some breakfast and we saw her she needed help and to replay us ig she bought us breakfast and Jack asked her if she wanted to come over so now here she is all touchy touchy with Jack " He rolled his eyes which make me chuckle " Hmm...not to be rude but she looks like Jack would like her (ok we know he dont like sluts) because she dress up has prefect skin and and I dont have any of those thing and I wear glasses of all things " I pulled them out and put them back on I had taken them off before I came in so they guys wouldnt see me as a nerd
" Thanks not true Jasmin" he said lifting my shin up with his index finger and his thumb so I could look at him " Your the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and trust me I have been around the world and I haven't seen one like you not close, you have the cutest laugh that makes me smile"  I was shock no one has ever said that to me my heart was betting so fast and my cheecks where hot probably red if I could see them
" And you look cute when you blush to" he said with a wink
" Thank you Zach" I said smiling shyly from the thubg he just said to me " Oh and Jamin "  " Ya" I said and looked at him ..he lean in and kissed my check " Don't ever think that about your self again ok"  I just nodded and he smiked at me ...dbdjd Zach just kissed me (wish it was me )
" Zach my name  Flor I think you should be some of the few that should know my real name" ( Flor means Flower) " Thats such a beautiful name and it ment for you your as pretty as any flower" (cheesy ik sorry😂)

((Daniel pov))

I saw Jasmin and Zach talking then I saw where blush then Zach kissed her cheek.....wait hold up he can't be just kissing my best friend..then I saw her tell him something until i was interrupted out of my thoughts by Lucy laughing loud I mean loud then Jasmin and Zach both stop what they were doing and looked at her " Oh sorry it was just so funny" she said not meaning it looking at Fl-..I mean Jasmin a evil look " Jack can I talk to you" I said getting up meaning alone " Jack no stay" Lucy said holdibg him back " I'll be back ok I'll be fast" he said trying to get his arm free" Ugh fine hurry" man what a birch why did Jack even invite her?!..we stepped outside " Ya what up? "  " Jack not to be rude but why did you invite her" I said looking at Lucy now flirting with Jonah and he was flirting back ugh nasty!. " Because she's nice and fun, why you don't like her?" " No it's just that sence Jasmins been here you haven't talked to her all you have been doing is hanging with Lucy and why are you letting her sit on you?" .. I can't believe it tho why .. " I haven't talked to her because she is with Zach and I like Lucy so leave her alone ok man why are you being a dick" he just walked off and went back in and say next to Lucy as she touched Jonah and Jack and they didn't do anything about it..what are they doubg are you ok " Hey are you good? " Corbyn asked " Ya I'm good why" " You look annoyed" he said " Nah just tired didn't get much sleep last night " Oh she should go swimming the weather is better and it's starting to get hot what do you say?"  " Ya let me ask Jasmin and Zach " I didn't want go ask Jonah and Jack because that birch would wabt to come and thats the last thing i want.  " Hey you guys want to go swimming ..its not windy any more it's kinda hot what do you do you say?" I asked " Zach sure"  Jasmin just stayed quiet
" Jasmin?" " Oh no I'm fine I didn't bring any cloths"  " I can let you use a shirt of mine you look small so it should fit you like a dress" I said " No it's fine I don't want to get your shirt wet" " Jasmin what's the real reson? " Zach asked her " Its I dont like my body it's just..I just dont like it " she said looking down " Jasmin your body is perfect please" she was thinking " Fine give me a shirt to swimming"  " I want to go swimming too!!" Great Lucy wants to swim " You dont have a  bathing suit" " And I have a bra and underwear "  can she be a less of a hoe please man.

((Zachs pov ))

What is with his girl does so not care at all she can at let me mkre like Jasmin that thinks and is not like at all " Wow of course she would saw that" I didnt know I said that out loud when I hear
" That's so mean Zach I'm not a slut" Lucy said hugging Jack " Hey he didnt mean it beautiful" Jack said to her " Lets go " they left outside and Daniel came back with ine if this shirts and gave it to Jasmin " Ok I'll be back" she went in the bath room the change. While me and Daniel went out sidr and saw Jonah Jack and Corbyn in the pool on a donut floatie. " Is she really going to swim in her bra and underwear" Daniel said as I looked at her taking her clothes off so Jonah and Jack could look at her Corbyn just looked away and mouthed " is she for real" to us and we nodded and he shook his head " Like what you see " she said spining around Jonah was bluching and Jack but his lip..what the hell is wrong with them " I uhh thank you for letting me borrow your shirt Daniel" we turned and saw Jasmin now she looked cute she wasn't like Lucy " Aww best friend you look cute " Daniel said " Thank you " I picked her up *I was going to throw her in the pool* she was light wow.." Zach put me down I'm heavy " " Not even your light now.." I said as I was standing at the eadge of the pool " No you do that and you will come with me " she said laughing. So u three her in my she held my hand which made me fall in too we were laughing and splashing each other then....

Hey sorry I just posted ik kinda late but fhfhfbhf OMG ARE YOU KIDING OVER 200 READS THANK YOU SO MUCH. I think I can't write so tgus might nit be a good story but ig it is if you guys like it thank you for voteing and the reads I love you guys ❤❤❤

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