Meeting Why dont we

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((Jacks POV ))

We where going over Logan's house. We got in the car and drove to his house once we got there Zach yelled
" LOGAN!!" Then Logan came out the kitchen and yelled " THASS MAH BOIII!!!"  back and bro hugged us and we sat on the couch when a girl came out with no pants tho ((😂)) she did have a big ass. " " Uhh Logan who is that? " " Who Daniel- Jasmin! You don't have pants on!" He said yelling at her and she ran back to the room " Ok who saw huh" Logan yelled at us and we all just shook ours head " Logan stop yelling "Well maybe next time dont walk out with just your underwear" he said trying to look mad but still nice "Oh and these are those guys I showed you Why dont we "  we all stood up and introduced are self's
" Hi my name is Jack and they are Daniel, Jonah, Corbyn, and Zach " I said pointing to each on of them " Hey I'm Jasmin Logans sister" she said smiling.

((Daniels POV ))

Jack was introducing us to a girl I didnt know who she was but she was really pretty. When Jack said my name I waved and smiled at her and she smiled back..ahh she smile was beautiful. " Hey I'm Jasmin Logans sister" she smiled again...wait what sister! " Wait Logan you have a sister why didnt you tell us". " Oh ya I just didnt think it was important..I mean not that I don't think your important " he said looking at Jasmin and hugging her " Wait so if she's your sister why doesn't she look like you " Jonah said confused " Uhh I'll let her tell you if she's ready" he looked down at her..her beautiful smile was gone now and she had a sad face so I just  elbowed Jonahs arm " Ow what " " You make her upset " I said looking at him then back at her " Oh I'm sorry I didnt mean it " " Its fine Jonah " she looked up at him and then sat on the couch.

((Jonahs POV ))

I felt bad I did that so I just stayed quite " Hey Jonah " Zach said "  Ya ? ". " What do you think happened "  " She well tell us when she's ready Zach " I said playfully pushing him " Thank you Jonah " I heard her say " Ya your welcome " I said with a smile " I'm sorry Jasmin but I have to go to another you want to go over Jakes or..". " No its fine I can stay with the guys..I mean if you guys don't mind" she said looking at us " No where fine with it " Daniel said and we all nodded " Ok but no touching , flirting, no-" " Logan just go" " Ok but if you guys do something to my baby sis I will kick your ass" he said walking out the door and glared at us then left " Sorry his just over protective..oh do you guys want something to drink?" She got up and opened the fridge " No where good " I told her she nodded and got a water for her self and came back on the couch "

((Jasmin's pov))

I for got I still had bed head and the clothes I was sleeping in " I'm sorry if I look like a hobo I just woke up thanks to Logan and you guys yelling "  I laughed and they did to " No your pretty even with your bed head " jack told me making me blush I trued brushing it off by changing the subject " What do you guy want to go?". " I was think we can get to know each other " Corbyn said " Ok what do you guys want to know? "  " How about why did you come to LA ? " Daniel said " Oh my mom had to go on a business trip so I had the chose to stay with Logan or Jake so I stayed with Logan bc he has more room."  I said talking a drink of water " Ok my turn do you guys live together ?". " Ya you can come visit us if you want just ask Logan to take you".  Zach told me
" I will..ok can you guys sing a song?"I asked them " Sure which one do you want ?" " Mercy by Shawn Meneds"
They started singing Zach got us and grabbed my hand and he started dancing with me I was laughing  when I tripped on the merch canon an fell on Daniels lap " I'm sorry Daniel " I said getting up blushing " Its fine are you ok ?"  " Ya I'm good " I said picking up the canon and putting it on the table " There now I won't fall again hopefully " I giggled.

((Zach POV ))

Jasmin has the cutest giggle ever
" Want to go explore LA? " I asked her
" Yes let me change " she said running to her room " I think some one likes Jasmin " Corbyn said looking at me and wiggling his eyebrow " No I'm being nice" " Sure let's just say that " he said smirking but in the corner of my eye I saw Jonah and Jack looked annoyed. " Ok let's go " Jasmin said coming out with a cute but casual outfit

 " Ok let's go " Jasmin said coming out with a cute but casual outfit

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She took the keys and locked the door.
" What do you want to visit first " I asked her " I dont know its my first time in LA " " ok how about we go to and get something to drink?" Jack asked " Ya there is this cafe we can go to "  " Sure " we walked to the cafe and looked to the menu " Hi what can I get you" they guy asked us   " Can I get a  2 lemonades, an ice- coffee, water and green tea" " Ok and for you beautiful " he said winking at Jasmin . I got mad but I was not going to show it " I'll get an Ice-coffee too thank you " she was about to pay for hers but I gave him the money before she could " Zach I'll pay you back" " No its fine " we sat down at a table " Wow Jasmin the  cashier really likes you..I'm  surprised he didnt give you his phone number" he said laughing " Logan would kill me he says I'm to young to date " she said in a Logan voice making us laugh
" Wait how old are you?" Jonah asked
" I'm 14" she said " 14! you dont look 14 you look 16 or 17 " she giggled then are drinks got called.
(Update shed not 14 I changed it shes 15 )

//I wish they liked me but oh well I never met them I could have when they came to San Fransisco but my parents couldn't take me comment if you got to meet them and vote pleasr // 

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