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         🐅Jasmin's POV🐅
I hear loud Banging on the door
I closed my eyes shut I was to  scared to look at what was happening , why is happening i was just in my room and now this ,  I opened my eyes slowing until I noticed the tan ceiling  " A dream" I thought, I dont want to dream something like that again mostly about him

" Jasmin! Open the door!" I heard Logan yell " Sorry I was taking a nap and I didn't want you doing any thing while I was asleep " I said getting up and unlocking the door " Hurry everything is ready!!! " he said with a little smirk ,he was about to leave but he turned back to me " Oh and please put on some jeans on this time I don't want that one scene to replay " he said and walked back out closing the door
I smiled remembering the first day I met the boys
I put on some leggings and a hoodie I didn't feel like dressing up much knowing Logan I felt some thing was off , I  walked down to find Logan and some of his friends

" Surprise!!" I heard them say , confetti was falling making it land on my shoulders and head balloons and streamers every where " Thank you but what's this for " I said smiling yet confused to Logan " ...Well you see ...This Is A Prank!" I heard him yell before I was covering with a blanket and I was being carried who knows where 
" Ready!!" " No Logan ! I thought you where going to do some thing nice " I yelled " Well you thought wrong " he said as he threw me that's when I knew it was the pool, I swam back to the top and saw him laughing as Brendan
( I fixed the name...ok and you know who you are 😂)
had the volg camera " That was so funny" I said rolling my eyes, that's when I got an idea I grabbed his foot and dragged him in the pool, I couldn't stop laughing " Ahhh!!! you little" he said as he slashed  me with water we where in there for a while just playing around until I saw mom walking to us
" Mom! " I yelled and I ran out of the pool and to her " Wait Sweetie your wet" she said but I didn't care I hugged her " Sorry just missed you " I said before I let go " Sorry Jaz this was the surprise but I needing some content for my vlog  " Logan said walking out of the pool he took off his shirt then his pants " Logan. Eww put some cloth on!" i yelled covering my eyes like a little kid " I'm just a kid!" " Sure a kid what has been making out with little Zachary huh" Logan said wiggling his eyebrows
" What! No I haven't  " I said covering my face knowing it was red as a tomato " Logan Dont put that in please " I said running up to Brendan trying to cover the camera " Ya..No I am sorry" he said making his stupid dance move " F*ck you" I said " Jasmin language!" my mom said as she hit my arm " Ouch sorry " I said rubbing my arm " Ok baby sis go change again because we are going out to eat as a family little Jakie is coming to" Logan said as he walked back to Brendan
" Ok and with that said Logang that is the vlog remember get your much at or link in description!!..its the hots softest murch in the game because just look at it" he said taking the Camera and showing off Brendan's Shirt " I love you guys take it easy FAM PEACE!" he said as he shook his head in the camera " Wow ever gets old " I said as they turned off the camera " Yup.. oh mom I wanted to make Jasmin a YouTube change too" Logan said as we walked back in " I dont know Logan let's just talk about this at dinner with your brother and dad " she said

Ok guys this one was shittt man I suck this whole story sucks I'm sorry my brain took a vaca and never came back I love You all PEACE💜✌🏽✌🏽💜💜

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