Daniel likes who?!

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((Daniels POV ))
"Daniel!" Corbyn called from the living room " Ya" I said " When is Zach coming back?"  " He texted me saying he was on a date with Jasmin so they should be back in an hour " when I said that Jonah looked sad and Jack looked at him phone like he didn't hear
" She just needs time guys " I told them " Ya" Jack said in a low voice and left to his room along with Jonah behind going to his
" I'm going to get us something to eat I'll be back in a bit " I said ...I walk out and get in the car and start driving to get some pizza ..when I went in side the pizza place this girl bumped in to me and fell " I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" she said " Its fine " I smiled and helped her up " My name is Daniel and you are?" She moved her hair from her face " My name is Marinette " she smiled at me * Wow she is so beautiful her blue eyes and dark down hair and that smile is just wow* " Hey Daniel..you still there?" She waved her hand in my face " Oh ya sorry ugh I'll see you later ig." " Ya see you around " and she left. *..wait no! Her number!!* I ran out said " Marinette!" She turned around " Ya?"  " I forgot to ask I mean if you could...can I have your number "  she giggled " Ya sure Mr.Smuth"  I blushed and looked down " Bye" I waved and started walking back.. I looked at my phone and saw she had saved her self as. Mari🌹  I smiled at the name and got in line to order.

((Jonah's POV))
I was in my room laying down when I got a text from an unknown number

??: Hey baby

Jonah: Sorry I think you have the wrong number

??: No I'm pretty sure you Jonah 😏

Jonah: Who are you

??: Sorry baby but I can't say yet.....and let me tell you you look so sexy in bed right now wish I was with you

Jonah: Your looking at me ! Bye !

I got up and closed the blinds and blocked the number ...I walked to the living room " Hey are on of you guys pranking me bc it's not funny" I said " No Why?" Corbyn asked " Never mind where did Daniel go"  " He went to get some things to eat he should be back in a bit" he said
" And when will Zach come back" Jack asked kinda annoyed " He should be back in a little to why you jealous" Corbyn said with a smirk " Shut it Corbyn "  " I'm back! And I have pizza "  Danile yelled..we ran to him and grabbed a slice " Thanks " I said with pizza in my mouth " Ya np..but don't choke" Daniel sat down and took a slice as he was on his phone " Jonah can you get me a soda from the fridge please" Jack asked " Ya " I walked to the drive and got two sodas
" I'm home! " Zach yelled.  *did he being Jasmin?*  I walked back. " Hey " I said kinda looking around " What are you looking for ?" Corbyn said " Oh ugh nothing " I said handing Jack his
Soda " If your looking for Jasmin she is in my room" Zach said
" Why is she in your room?" I asked " We are going to watch some movies" he said and walked away * I really want to talk to her * I sat down next to Jack and watched t.v " I'll be back" Corbym said " Ok" I looked over at Daniel and he wouldn't stop smiling at his phone " Hey you good bro?" I hit his arm
" Huh Oh ya"  he  smiling " I said And took his phone "Mari?..ooo do you like her"  " No..maybe ii just met her today on now give it back" He took his phone and kept on texting " Hey Daniel " I looked up and saw Jasmin ..I really want to hug her right now " Hey Jasmin " Daniel said as he got up and hugged her " Have you seen my glasses I left them her the other day" she said trying not to look over here " Ya there in the top  drawer in the hall" he pointed to which on it was " Ok " Daniels phone rang
" Hold on sorry Jasmin"  " Its fine she walked to the drawer and opened it she was jumping to reach her glasses * she is so cute..she is to short to reach I want to help but Fuck it I'm going* I walked to her and grabbed her glasses and handed them to her " Thank you" she said and was about to leave when I grabbed her hand and pulled her in a tight hug
" Jonah?" She said " I'm sorry Jasmin I don't like her please believe me I didnt know what I was saying it's that I paniced...please Jasmin I love you and not being able to talk to you kills me pkease forgive me " I said all most crying * I did it tho I told her I love her*  " Jonah.." She hugged me back " Jasmin" I pulked away from the hug and looked at her I started lining in until my lips.....

Heyy sorry cliffhanger love them huh 😂 any way thank you guys so the reads and the votes I love you guys so much❤❤ Peace ✌

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