Bye then...

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((Jasmins POV))

Every one was looking at us
" Ugh sorry" I said still laughing but Lucy just rolled here eyes
" Jasmin you and Zach make such a cute couple" she said making couple stand out "We're not a couple" I said making a face " Ya I can tell her would never like you" she whispered but I could still make up what she said Fucking bitch I thought in my head " Watch out " Daniel said as he jumped in the pool " Hey!" Corbyn said willing water off his face and getting of the floatie
" Your going to get that you deserve" he splashed Daniel and Daniel splashed back making a big fight "Ok no more" I said laughing at them " Hey Jack can you help me get on here please" Lucy said getting a pizza floatie
" Sure " he was carrying her and sat her down " Jonah and you push me " she said with a smile but after looked at me and smirked...ugh I wish u could just slap that stupid smirk off her fucking face " I don't get why the guys follow her around like her slave" I said looking at Jonah pushing her and Jack following them " Whatever but this up to them " Corbyn said we swam for a while The boys im went inside to get drinks and snacks..which let me with Lucy..yay..." Hey I don't know why your here but I'm the boys don't want you here" Lucy said getting of the pizza floatie " Excise you bitch" " You heard me they don't want some day hoe being around them so get lost" she said waving her hand " I don't even know why they even let you in look at you your such a slut no one -" before I could finish I felt my cheek burn that's when I knew she slapped me " Fuck you!" " Ik the guys like me better and I will make sure of that" Out of no where she began to go underwater and she stayed there..ugh I'm I hate her but what is she doing " Hey are you ok?"  I pulled her up when " Jasmin what did you do?!" I turned around and saw the guys looking at me and Lucy ...ok it might look like I drowned her but I didnt!
" I didn't do anything!" Jack jumped in and grabbed her as he pulled her out if the pool " Is she ok" I said getting out and going to her " Stop Jasmin you have done enough ok just go!" Jonah yelled at me " What!?..I didn't do anything!!" " Really Jasmin I saw the way you looked at her abd what you said about her you don't like her and now that you 2 where alone you wanted her gone huh !!" Jack yelled at me " Hey it's not her fault leave her alone " Daniel said to them " You guys can't really believe Jasmin would do this" Corbyn said as he looked at me " You know what I do!" They both said ...I was broken I thought they where my friends ...then Lucy started coughing water up " Lucy are you ok?" Jack asked hugging her " Ya in fine" " What happened?" Jonah asked her " I really don't want to say I dont want you guys to hate me for telling the truth" she said "crying"  I just rilled my eyes from how bad of an after she was "We could never have you" Jonah said " Ya we will be there for you" Jack said to her as he moved her hair out of her face ...really they told me that too now look at them " Jasmin she stated telling at me and slapped me and told me she hated me and how much she wanted me to die I tikd here but why I wanted to he friends but she said no and started to drown me " she said still fake crying " What no I didnt you fuys have to believe me!!" I yelled almost crying from them not believeing me " Fuck off your such a bitch Jasmin! " Jack yelled " Hey dont call her that!" Zach yelled " Just get lost we don't ever want to see you again !" Jonah yelled as he walked up to me and pushed me. " Jonah what are you doing!"  I said " Jonah stop pushing her " Daniel pushed him off " You guys need to learn that she is a bitch and won't stop at nothing so stop  defending her"
" Flor is not like that!" Zach yelled " Flor?" " Ya thats her really name " Daniel said to him " I'm sorry ok....I thought I could make friends here but ig not don't worry Jonah Jack I won't bother you guys anymore "  I said running out with tears running down my face ...they hate me the really do..why I'm I here..why I'm I still living... I was running when I heard a honk and then some one tell my name but eveything when black.

((Zach pov))
I ran after Jasmin...why would they ever believe Lucy there assholes I saw her running to the street when I saw a car coming fuck I ran faster but I can't make it in time " Jasmin!!" Was all I could say when the car honked hit her " No!!" I ran to her

Hey sorry I didnt post yesterday but hope you guys lime it and thank you so much for 300+ reads love you all ❤

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