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            ❤️Jasmin's POV❤️

"So how long have you known the guys " Megen said as we sat on the couch " Not what long ago I think almost a long have you and Corbyn been together ?" I asked. " Almost a year to be honest I would save thought he would brake up with me in five month's " she said giggling " I think you guys will last ..he really loves you " I said looking at the guys in the back playing on there skateboard and missing around " I do too " Megen said with a warm smile
" Are you from here ?" She asked " No in from Ohio but I came over to see my brothers Jake and Logan Paul". ..." Hey Jasmin Megen come out here!" Corbyn yelled from outside " Wanna go?" I asked her " I don't think we have a choice by the way they are looking at us " she said laughing we went out said with the boys
" Hey Jasmin do you know how to skate?" Daniel said " No I want to lean tho" I said " I'll" teach you " Jack said with a sweet smile I was still kinda mad at him but he is my friend so I do have to forgive him " Ok " I said smiling back as I walked to him
" Ok ..first step on the bored and try to keep your balance " he said as I stepped on the bored as he held my hand as support " Next straten your poster then push your self forward with your right leg " I pushed my self and moved a couple inches until I started to lose my balance " Hey hey your ok I got you I won't let you fall" Jack said as he looked in to my eyes " Ya thank you" I said looking at his eyes noticing every detail of it there so beautiful "ok you keep going like that unless you want to learn tricks ". He said. " Ugh no .. No I will brake something. "  " Ok will save that for later then " Jack said smiling  which made me smile back...i was moving further every time I got back on and pushed my self
" Danm Jasmin is there something your not good at" Megen said
" Ha you will be surprised that I'm not good at many things " I said getting off and handing the bored back to Jack " Thanks Jack " " Ya no problem" he said  " I looked at the time and saw it was 4 I was kinda nervous because Logan might call Jake and he night say um with the boy's but I know his not like that so I shook it off and walked to Daniel " How do you fly it?" I asked him " There is a camera here because of the go pro so we can see all if LA and we also know where the dron is and we moving then with the control's " he said pointing it each one
" Here try if you want " he said handing it to me " Ugh I'm not so sure what if I brake its and..and this expensive "  " You won't I trust you" I grabbed it and  moved it forward " Oh its not that bad " I said and hoved it over us
" Jasmin!" I turned around from someone yelling my name and it was LOGAN!!

Sorry for not updating I was sick  thank you for all the reads and vote and shouldn't I do a face reveal and something's about my self  even tho you guys might think I'm boring  LOVE YOU GUYS PEACE✌️🏽❣️❣️❣️

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