Yes or No

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          🐢Zach's POV🐢
Its here I have to ask her right now I might sound awkward but if that mean I can call her mine I Dont care I want to make her laugh,smile, cry but happy tears but the thing is will she say yes or no I looked at her in her beautiful brown eyes " Jasmin" I grabbed her hands and they where shaking ....maybe I shouldn't ask her yet I can tell she's scared .. " Want to go get something to drink" I asked saying with no emotion bc I think she doesn't want to be with me
" Oh ya" she said calming down
We walked to this shop the girls wondered off to look at the Candy's and gifts while the guys got the drinks " What happened?" Corbyn asked " What do you mean" I said grabbing two drinks " You didn't ask her"  he said which made me stop what I was doing " Ugh ya she was scared of me like she already knew I was going to ask her but there was something else ". " She was scared..maybe your her first boyfriend while where going to be her first " Corbyn said " I Dont think she wants to be with me and if that's what she wants it fine I respect that" I said with my voice cracking at the end " Zach its not that" I heard Daniels voice see at behind me " She's not scared of you and she does want to be with you but she had..I think its best she tells you but trust me ok" Daniel said " Ya but how do I ask her to tell me ?" I said " Just wait " he said and the girls came back with some candy
" Hey Corbyn you need to try this" Christina said shoving a chocolate in his mouth" Oh and this one " she said shoving  another one in his mouth " Ok I'm going to choke " he said laughing and playing around with her "Zach you ok?" Jasmin asked " Ya I'm good" i said " I got you this "she said pulling out a mickey mouse cake pop tied in a big red bow around the plastic
" And I go this one for me" she said showing me a mini mouse one " Zach can I talk to you" she said changing her mood " Ya let go to the outside tables if you want" we left the guys in said looking at the stuff and we left outside with our drinks " So I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong idea " she said sitting down
" I know you where going to ask me out" she said " I'm that easy to read" I said " No I just watch to many chick flicks" she said laughing " But then I was..."
She told him what had happened (Last chapter I think with Daniel)
" I'm sorry Jasmin but Daniels right I wouldn't treat you like that " I said " I never said you should your so kind and caring and I didn't even need to ask that" she said " I know how you will treat me " she said I had to ask and see what she would say
" Ok I know this might not be the best place to ask but Jasmin then I say you at Logan's you surprised me I never met such a beautiful funny and talented girl will you be mine " I asked she didn't say anything but got up and waking up to me **Fu*k did I fu*k things up she did just finish telling me that story ** turned my head as she grabbed my face and kissed me " Hope that answers your question" she said I didn't say anything just smiled and kissed her once more " Wow sorry" I heard the guys along with Christina " Aww its official tho" she also said " Hurry its my turn I want to go in a big ride" she said " Why not just ride me then" Corbyn said smirking making us all laugh " I meant a ride that will make me scream " she said " Ooo" we all said and walked off to the next ride my hands holding Jasmin's small soft hands I took a few pics of us and some of the places like the lake or the castle

HEYY HAPPY LATE NEW YEAR ya Ok...."your so late on the new year thing" but heyy I was partying  any whoooo I love you all PEACE💜💜✌🏽✌🏽

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